I'm experiencing a little problem with what I'm trying to do:
I've created a large number of buttons with Photoshop, these however, already look like buttons, and are rounded. However, when I put them on a BUTTON control the button looks ugly because it has another button on it.
I have already tried to give the button the BS_FLAT flag however, what I'm now getting is a small black border and a small inner white border, AND even worse, if you click the button it looks like it is selected.
Is there any way to get the buttons the way I want?
If anyone requests some print screens I can submit them if you ask


This is one of those situations where, as long as the project isn't too big and it is okay with you, attach the whole thing and let me have a little play around with it to see if I can figure it out :) Im sure the problem is easier to solve than it appears.

I've added the entire project to this message. Thanks for taking a look into it.

Sorry for taking so long, i've had some net / pc problems. This looks like quite a big code, so im not going to go into finding an exact solution. But, I could suggest you use a Picture Control, set the bitmap for it to display, and try to detect a mouse-click on it (by making it notify the parent), well.. thats how I would do it anyway ;) . Hope this helps.

Sorry for taking so long, i've had some net / pc problems. This looks like quite a big code, so im not going to go into finding an exact solution. But, I could suggest you use a Picture Control, set the bitmap for it to display, and try to detect a mouse-click on it (by making it notify the parent), well.. thats how I would do it anyway ;) . Hope this helps.

Yeah, I thought about that already, but it seems so backdoorish (if that's a word ^^). I'll keep looking for a while first, maybe try the win32 group on Google and if all fails I guess I'll have to accept it =) I'll keep you informed, if you'd like that

Backdoorish? :)
Put it this way, why would they have added the functionality to the Picture Control to detect mouse-clicks, if it didn't work? (assuming they did). Don't try and do something the harder way, before you check if theres an easier, perfectly well-working solution already there for you :icon_cheesygrin:

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