I am having trouble dsipalying more than one value on the same line, I am not sure the exact way to go about this,
<xsl:if test="/item/survey/pastCitations/citation[@REGVERS !='FV10']">
<xsl:attribute name="value-of">fixQuote(top[survey][pastCitations][ <xsl:value-of select="/item/survey/pastCitations/citation[@VTAG = $vtag] /@_name" /> [text]]) </xsl:attribute>
for this line I would like to dispaly the Text and a couple other elements within the output, text currently displays just fine but I cannot get another element to show.
sample xml output
- <pastCitations _name="PASTCITATIONS" UPDATE="FALSE">
<citation _name="CDEF1" TEXT="some good text to show as prior citation." REGVERS="FV09" VTAG="V110" />
<citation _name="CDEF2" TEXT="hcfghfvgh" REGVERS="FV09" VTAG="V255" />
<citation _name="CDEF3" TEXT="more good text" REGVERS="FV09" VTAG="V420" />
<citation _name="CDEF4" TEXT="text for the new regset" REGVERS="FV10" VTAG="V256" />
for the If statement above I would like to display the regvers, vtag and the text like I said the text currently displays. How would I get the regvers and vtag to display before the text.
any help would be great.