I am writing a program using Python and the PYOpenGL3 library. I am trying to use PY2Exe to create an executable version of my program. However PY2Exe does not support PYOpenGL3. Is there an alternative to PY2Exe I can use? Basically I need a way to create an executable version of my program.

I have not used it, But I know pyInstall exists

Where it shows includes = , try to replace 'PIL' with 'PYOpenGL3' or whatever your import module is ...

# Py2Exe version 0.6.9 setup file for console programs.
# If this is a windows GUI application replace the last line with
# windows = [{"script": 'myFile.py'}] )
# Enter the file name of your own .py code file in the last line,
# lets say it's test1.py, so the last line should be:
# console = [{"script": 'test1.py'}] )
# then save this program as   p2e_test1.py  to the same
# directory where your code file is located.
# Now run p2e_test1.py ...
# Two subfolders will be created, called  build and  dist.
# The dist folder contains your .exe file, MSVCR71.dll and 
# w9xpopen.exe (needed for os.popen() only)
# Your .exe file contains your byte code, all needed modules
# and the Python interpreter.
# The MSVCR71.dll can be distributed, but is often already in
# the system32 folder.
# The build folder can be deleted.

from distutils.core import setup
import py2exe
import sys

# no arguments
if len(sys.argv) == 1:

# creates a standalone .exe file, no zip files
setup( options = {"py2exe": 
            {"compressed": 1, 
            "optimize": 2, 
            "ascii": 1, 
            "bundle_files": 1}},
        zipfile = None,
        #excludes = ['Tkinter'],
        includes = ['PIL'],
        # replace myFile.py with your own code filename here ...
        console = [{"script": 'PIL_FractalTree1.py'}] )
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