hi guys!

| -----------------------|---------------------|------------------------------|
| validation_period |-----sys_date-----|-------exp_date-----------| |------------------------|---------------------|------------------------------|
|-----------6-----------|---26/11/2008---|-(add validation_period-|
|------------------------|---------------------|field value into------------|
using ms access 2003 i got the system date by using date() function but the real job is to pass the validation_period (which is basically a number of month(s)) field value as a parameter into the dateadd() function to add the given number(s) of month(s) into the current date and store it under the exp_date.

please write me the solution of the problem...

thank you



please consider this table...

thank yoy



Try This Query:

Select TMonths, Date(), DateAdd('m',TMonths,Date()) From MyTable

Replace TMonths with your Numeric value/FieldName


ok it works...
thank you for reply....

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