#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>
using namespace std;
bool StringToInt(const string &s, int &i);
int main()
// opening up and setting up the input file stream so we can read it
// to perform the "account info" and the "history" parts of the program.
// the inserting part will be done later.
ifstream logFileIn;
// store each line of the logfile into an array where each element
// of the array is each line of the text file.
vector<string> each_Line;
ifstream ifs( "logfile.txt" );
string temp;
while( getline( ifs, temp ) )
each_Line.push_back( temp );
//closing file so we can open later to write to it
int numLines = each_Line.size();
// storing the account holders # in another array and then removing
// dupes.
vector<string> account_Numbers(numLines);
int i;
for (i=0;i<numLines-1;i++)
account_Numbers[i] = each_Line[i].substr(0,4);
// storing the peoples names in another array in the same positions
// as the previous array of their account #'s.
vector<string> account_Names(numLines);
int j;
for (j=0;j<numLines-1;j++)
account_Names[j] = each_Line[j].erase(0,5);
int colonPos = account_Names[j].find(":",0);
account_Names[j] = account_Names[j].substr(0,colonPos);
// now doing the same thing with a date array.
vector<string> account_Dates(numLines);
for (int k=0;k<numLines-1;k++)
account_Dates[k] = each_Line[k].erase(0,5);
int colonPos2 = account_Dates[k].find(":",0);
account_Dates[k] = account_Dates[k].substr(colonPos2+1,8);
// once again but for the type of transaction.
vector<string> account_Tran(numLines);
for (int l=0;l<numLines-1;l++)
account_Tran[l] = each_Line[l];
int colonPos3 = account_Tran[l].rfind(":",(account_Tran[l].length()-1));
account_Tran[l] = account_Tran[l].substr(colonPos3-1,1);
// and finally an array for the amount.
vector<string> amount(numLines);
for (int m=0;m<numLines-1;m++)
amount[m] = each_Line[m];
int finalColon = amount[m].rfind(":",(amount[m].length()-1));
amount[m] = amount[m].substr(finalColon+1,10);
//** Here is where the user will select from one of three menus.
cout << endl;
cout << "Please enter either 'i' for Account Info, 'h' for History, or 't' to Insert a Transaction: " << endl;
string choice;
cin >> choice;
//***** Account Info Menu *****//
if (choice == "i")
//display list of names
for (int numNames=0;numNames<numLines-1;numNames++)
cout << numNames+1 << ". " << account_Names[numNames] << endl;
//allow user to select a certain person by entering there number, or q
//to exit
cout << endl;
cout << "Select a person by entering the number next to their name, or enter '0' to quit" << endl;
int nameChoice;
cin >> nameChoice;
if (nameChoice == 0)
cout << endl;
cout << "Thank you for using this program.";
cout << endl;
cout << "Account #: " << account_Numbers[nameChoice-1] << endl;
cout << "Name: " << account_Names[nameChoice-1] << endl;
int balance;
for (int a=0;a<numLines-1;a++)
if (account_Names[a] == account_Names[nameChoice-1])
int tempconvert;
if (account_Tran[a] == "D")
if (StringToInt(amount[a],tempconvert))
balance = balance + tempconvert;
else if (account_Tran[a] == "W")
if (StringToInt(amount[a],tempconvert))
tempconvert = tempconvert * (-1);
balance = balance + tempconvert;
cout << "Balance: $" << balance << endl << endl;
cout << "Thank you and please use this program again." << endl;
//***** History Menu *****//
else if (choice == "h")
//display list of names
for (int numNames2=0;numNames2<numLines-1;numNames2++)
cout << numNames2+1 << ". " << account_Names[numNames2] << endl;
//allow user to select a certain person by entering there number, or q to exit
cout << endl;
cout << "Select a person by entering the number next to their name, or enter '0' to quit" << endl;
int nameChoice2;
cin >> nameChoice2;
if (nameChoice2 == 0)
cout << endl;
cout << "Thank you for using this program.";
for (int b=0;b<numLines-1;b++)
if (account_Names[b] == account_Names[nameChoice2-1])
cout << account_Dates[b] << " " << account_Tran[b] << " $" << amount[b] << endl;
//***** Insert a Transaction Menu *****//
else if (choice == "t")
//display list of names
for (int numNames3=0;numNames3<numLines-1;numNames3++)
cout << numNames3+1 << ". " << account_Names[numNames3] << endl;
//user select a person or now a new option to create a new account.
cout << endl;
cout << "Select the # next to the person whos account you want to add a transaction to or enter 'add' if you want to add a new account." << endl;
string nameChoice3;
cin >> nameChoice3;
if (nameChoice3 == "add")
cout << endl << "Please enter the name of the account holder that you want to add(no spaces please): ";
string newAccount;
cin >> newAccount;
account_Names[numLines] = newAccount;
cout << endl << "Please enter the 4 digit account # of the account you would like to create: ";
string newAccountNum;
cin >> newAccountNum;
account_Numbers[numLines] = newAccountNum;
cout << endl << "Please enter the type of transaction ('D' or 'W'): ";
string newAccountTran;
cin >> newAccountTran;
account_Tran[numLines] = newAccountTran;
cout << endl << "Please enter the amount (without $ sign) of the transaction: ";
string newTranAmount;
cin >> newTranAmount;
amount[numLines] = newTranAmount;
cout << endl << "What is todays date? (YY/MM/DD): ";
string newDate;
cin >> newDate;
account_Dates[numLines] = newDate;
ofstream logFileOut;
logFileOut.open ("logfile.txt");
for (int write=0;write<account_Names.size();write++)
logFileOut << account_Numbers[write] << ":" << account_Names[write] << ":" << account_Dates[write] << ":" << account_Tran[write] << ":" << amount[write] << "\n";
// if they did not enter a correct option.
cout << "You did not enter a correct choice. The program will now exit. Please run it again and enter correctly." << endl;
bool StringToInt(const string &s, int &i)
istringstream myStream(s);
if (myStream>>i)
return true;
return false;
The segmentation fault error occurs I think in the block of code from line 200-203. It might occur beyond that as well but I haven't been able to find out because it won't get past the previous part.
Any help?