I am coding a c++ based simulator, for which i need to implement a message queue.

The structure of the problem is such.

We have a program that contain a "queue" of messagePacket
messagePacket in this case is a pair <int , message> where message is a structure struct message The structure of a message is

struct message
int id;
int sender;
int recver;
dataPacket data;

for generic programming, i want to allow the user to define the DATATYPE of data (dataPacket) generically,

So I wrote

template <class dataObject> 
class dataPacket
      dataObject data;
             dataPacket(dataObject inData)
                    data = inData;                

The intention is, that depending on my/users requirement, he can design a dataPacket as say

struct newdata
vector <int> array;

dataPacket <newdata> myData;

message.data = myData

The problem might be visible that without a definite dataype definition in the definition of message, I cannot define the structure message.

I would like to know if it is possible to have dataPacket <void> data; in the definition of message structure.

Thanking you in advance,


This is the complete code for your reference, which fails.

This is the class that creates he data-Type of each packet

template <class dataObject> 
class dataPacket
      dataObject data;
             dataPacket(dataObject inData)
                    data = inData;                

This is a message
struct message
       int messageId;
       int senderId;
       int recvId;
       dataPacket <SOMETHING GENERIC HERE> data;

typedef pair<int , message> simMessage;

This class is the major message passing Queue that will be executed at evey step
class messageQ

       class order
           bool operator() (const simMessage& lhs, const simMessage& rhs) const
               return (lhs.first>rhs.first);
       typedef priority_queue < simMessage , vector < simMessage >, order > MPQ;
       MPQ Queue;  

Thanking you,

The obvious (to me anyway) way round this is to create a
base class to either message or to dataPacket.

struct baseMessage
  int messageId;
  int senderId;
  int recvId;

template<typename TX>
struct message : public baseMessage
  dataPacket<TX> data;

Then store a pointer to the base-class and get everything by
virtual functions / dynamic_cast etc.

If you intend to do this, have a look at the boost::any class as it effectively does that for you without having to write any code.

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