
I am a full time freelancer who works primarily in Visual Basic 2008 using the Express Edition. I love the fact that it is free, but I find it slow and somewhat quirky, even buggy in some frustrating cases.

I guess I am asking for opinions on what your experiences have been with the Professional Edition and what besides I hope speed and more stability it might offer are.

Thank you,
Bill P.

Its basically the same except it has more advanced features. Speed and stability wise its the same

The features the pro version has over it:

Develop mobile apps for smartphones / pdas
Reporting tools
Better database tools
More project types e.g windows services
Better debugging tools
Plugin support

Its basically the same except it has more advanced features. Speed and stability wise its the same
The features the pro version has over it:
Better database tools

YAY! I get frustrated with database explorer in that I can't move fields around up and down in the list of a table if you will. Does it do THAT? That would be worth the price alone.



Well you can get a 60/120 day trial so why dont you try that out

Well you can get a 60/120 day trial so why dont you try that out


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