i am trying to take input for name and return it with only the first letters of the name as capital....i am able to it the first name but m unable to move on to the second and last name.... please help..

string ToUpper(string n)
           for(int i=0;i<n.length();i++)

                string m = n;
                for(int i = 1; i < m.length(); i++)
                m[i] = tolower(m[i]);
                if (n[i] >='a' && n[i] <='z')
                return m;
                return n;

I'm supposing you're obtaining user input by using:

cin >> name;

If you are, I suggest you read this thread. The problem with cin is it only takes input till a whitespace is found, so you're only using the first word.

hey thanks guys...with ur help i have got it... but i want to make a do while loop of it...can u tell me how to that...because if the name is having an integer or any other sign i have to output an error message and then again take input

    string n;
    string s;

  cout<<"Please enter your name :"<<flush;
  getline(cin, n);
   for(int i=1; i<n.length(); i++)
 { if (n[i]<='A'|| n[i]>='z' ||n[i]!=' ')
  cout<<"Error code 01: Name contains a character that is neither an alphabet nor a space"<<endl;

}  if(n[0]>='a' && n[0]<='z') n[0]-='a'-'A';

   for(int x=1; x<n.length(); x++)
            if(n[x]>='a' && n[x]<='z' && n[x-1]==' ') n[x]-='a'-'A';
             else if(n[x]>='A' && n[x]<='Z') n[x]+='a'-'A';

Version with loop:

bool Error = true;
string n;
string s;

cout<<"Please enter your name :"<<flush;
getline(cin, n);
for(int i=1; i<n.length(); i++)
{ if (n[i]<='A'|| n[i]>='z' ||n[i]!=' ')
Error = false;
cout<<"Error code 01: Name contains a character that is neither an alphabet nor a space"<<endl;

} if(n[0]>='a' && n[0]<='z') n[0]-='a'-'A';

for(int x=1; x<n.length(); x++)
if(n[x]>='a' && n[x]<='z' && n[x-1]==' ') n[x]-='a'-'A';
else if(n[x]>='A' && n[x]<='Z') n[x]+='a'-'A';


hey..i have tries the while loop...but it doesnt works...can ne1 spot the prblm

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    string n;
    string s;

  cout<<"Please enter your name :"<<flush;
  getline(cin, n);
  for(int i=1; i<n.length(); i++)
  while(n[i]<='A'|| n[i]>='z');
  cout<<"Error code 01: Name contains a character that is neither an alphabet nor a space"<<endl;
  cout<<"Please enter your name :"<<flush;
  getline(cin, n);
   if(n[0]>='a' && n[0]<='z') n[0]-='a'-'A';

   for(int x=1; x<n.length(); x++)
            if(n[x]>='a' && n[x]<='z' && n[x-1]==' ') n[x]-='a'-'A';
             else if(n[x]>='A' && n[x]<='Z') n[x]+='a'-'A';



Sorry, I didn't test it before. This does work:

#include <iostream>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    string n;
    //Removed string s; it wasn't being used...?
    bool Error = true;
    //Main loop added
        Error = false;
        cout<<"Please enter your name: "<<flush;
        getline(cin, n);

        for(int i=0; i<n.length(); i++)
            //Checking for whitespace added, your version gave an error on space
            if(n[i] != ' ' && (n[i] <= 'A' || n[i] >= 'z'))
                cout<<"Error code 01: Name contains a character that is neither an alphabet nor a space"<<endl;
                Error = true;

        //Only convert if the input is correct
            if(n[0]>='a' && n[0]<='z')

            for(int x=1; x<n.length(); x++)
                if(n[x]>='a' && n[x]<='z' && n[x-1]==' ') n[x]-='a'-'A';
                else if(n[x]>='A' && n[x]<='Z') n[x]+='a'-'A';


    return 0;

I changed/added a few things(Placed comments). Though I suggest you try structuring your code a bit better.
I'm not sure this is what you wanted, but it appears to be..

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