Hi All,

I am trying to display a custom icon in my c# application. I have followed microsoft steps to add my icon but it is not being displayed. I am still getting the default icon. Any ideas?

With a project selected in Solution Explorer, on the Project menu, click Properties.

Select the Application pane.

Select <Browse...> from the Icon drop-down list and browse to the location of the icon file that you want.

The icon file is added to your project as a content file.

The icon you are refferring to you wil see when you are deploying your application. It is the icon you see in explorer or on the desktop.
Or do you mean the icon you see left in the Title bar of a Form?

Sorry for not clarifying...

I meant the icon you see left in the Title bar of the form

Go to display design mode for the form. Got to the Properties window and select the Icon property, browse and select your icon.
It should appear.

ddanbe ...thanks a lot...

I did think of looking in the form properties for the ICON...


Problem solved...I wonder if I am the one that is suppose to mark the thread as solved or if it is up to the administrators

Sorry... I repeat:

I did NOT think of looking in the form properties for the ICON...

Glad to have helped.

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