Where should I include other header files, in header file or source file? What is the difference between the below two:


#include "file2.h"


class class2;
#include "file2.h"

both of them...

//-------------- <file1.h> -----------------//
#include <iostream> //..header file
class CClass
        void funct(std::string &str);
//-------------- </file1.h> -----------------//

//-------------- <file1.cpp> -----------------//
#include "file1.h" // header file
//#include <...h>
void CClass::funct(std::string &str)
//-------------- </file1.cpp> -----------------//

//-------------- <main_source_file> -----------------//
#include "file1.h" // header file

int main()
      CClass c_class;
      return 0;
//-------------- </main_source_file> -----------------//

Then which version is better? Or at least preferred? Does the first version (may) have bad consequences?

If the content of header A relies on content of header B, then it is generally a good idea for header A to #include header B. Examples of "relies on" are;

- header B declares a base class, and a class in header A inherits from it.
- header B defines a type (eg classes, enums, typedefs) and any function in header A accepts arguments or returns that type.

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