I have a few problems.
I want to read in a .dat file with characters like below:
B * D
D * J
J * *
i used a readLine() from a fileReader, and put all of the characters into a char array.
Then i want to take each character and put it on a stack, but the stack I have to build from scratch, and can only accept Objects. I have no idea how to make chars Objects, because they are inconvertible type.
Secondly I have to put all of these chars into a tree, and print out the tree in proper order. A being parent/root B left child, C right child, and then B's left child is null because of the asterisk, and B's right child is D and so on until J which has no children and its done. I have no idea how to make a tree. I want to make a class Tree, but i don't know what methods to put, I don't know what to do first, I dont know I DONT KNOOOW! and its killing me being so stuck. If anyone knows how to solve any of my problems it would help me immensly, because I'm dying slowly and painfully from this dumb program.