please help me, am confused in the memory bit, all i want is 32 k memory free and each time i add something and run it, it will say for example 27 k memory left
how to i make this program only have 32 k memory, for example At the beginning there will be no notthing running and none in the queue so the screen might show something like this:
32k free
none running:
Then 1 might enter the queue ( jobs start in the queue and then are chosen to execute ie they have to be in the queue first). The screen might look like this:
32k free
jobs running:
jobs in queue:
job 1 8 k p3
Suppose another job joins the queue:
32k free
jobs running:
jobs in queue:
job 1 8 k p3
job 2 4k p1
Then the operator decides to start job 2:
28k free
jobs running:
job 2 4k p1
jobs in queue:
job 1 8 k p3
Next job 1 is started:
20k free
jobs running:
job 2 4k p1
job 1 8 k p3
jobs in queue:
Then the operator halts job 2:
28k free
jobs running:
job 1 8 k p3
jobs in queue:
// Program to demonstrate a queue using nodePtrs
// The size of the queue is limited only by the
// amount of dynamic RAM available
#include <iostream.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
struct node;
typedef node *nodePtr;
struct node
char data;
nodePtr next;
struct queue
nodePtr front;
nodePtr rear;
void create(queue&);
bool empty(queue);
bool full();
void addToQueue(queue&, char);
void deleteFromQueue(queue&, char&);
void traverseQueue(queue);
void create(queue& Q)
Q.front = NULL;
Q.rear = NULL;
bool empty(queue Q)
if(Q.front == NULL)
return true;
return false;
bool full()
nodePtr temp =new node;
if (temp == NULL)
return true;
delete temp;
return false;
void addToQueue(queue& Q, char item)
nodePtr temp;
temp = new node;
temp->data = item;
temp->next = NULL;
if (Q.front != NULL) // ie not empty
Q.rear->next = temp;
Q.rear = temp;
Q.front = temp;
Q.rear = temp;
void deleteFromQueue(queue& Q, char& item)
nodePtr temp;
if (Q.front != NULL) // ie not empty
temp = Q.front;
item = temp->data;
if (Q.rear == Q.front) // ie single node so queue becomes empty
Q.front = NULL;
Q.rear = NULL;
else // more than one node
Q.front = temp->next;
delete temp;
void traverseQueue(queue Q)
nodePtr temp;
temp = Q.front;
while (temp != NULL)
cout << temp->data << endl;
temp = temp->next;
void main()
queue q;
char command, letter;
cout << "This program uses a queue implemented using pointers\n";
cout << "The number of items in the queue is only limited by\n";
cout << "amount of dynamic RAM available\n";
cout << "\n[A]dd to queue, [D]elete from queue, [P]rint queue, " ;
cout << "or [Q]uit -> ";
cin >> command;
case 'a' :
case 'A' : cout << "Enter data -> ";
cin >> letter;
addToQueue(q, letter);
case 'd' :
case 'D' : if (!empty(q))
deleteFromQueue(q, letter);
cout << letter << " removed from queue\n";
cout << "The queue is empty \n";
case 'p' :
case 'P' : traverseQueue(q);
case 'q' :
case 'Q' : cout << "Program terminated\n";
default : cout << "Unknown command [" << command << "] try again!\n";
} // end switch
} while (!(command == 'q' || command == 'Q'));