Hi Everyone..!!:*

I'm a newcomer here. And looks like need your help here. I 've just make a program tha simulates The HRN CPU Scheduler.I have no problem in compiling it. But, when I run it, It won't work.

I don't know which Part of my pseudocode that was wrong. Could someone help me to solve it, please..!

Here's the pseudocode

#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <iomanip.h>

typedef struct
    float Prioritas;
    int Waiting;
    int Lama;
    int TA;
    char ID;

typedef Penjadwalan Proses[6];

void main()
    Proses HRN;
    int i,j,time,Min;
    float Max;


    HRN[1].ID = 'A';
    HRN[1].Lama= 12;

    HRN[2].ID = 'B';
    HRN[2].Lama= 57;

    HRN[3].ID = 'C';
    HRN[3].Lama= 32;

    HRN[4].ID = 'D';
    HRN[4].Lama= 10;

    HRN[5].ID = 'E';
    HRN[5].Lama= 40;


    /*Menampilkan hasil input*/

    for (i=1; i<6; i++)
    {  HRN[i].Waiting = 0;
        printf("ID        : %c\n",HRN[i].ID);
        printf("Layanan   : %d\n",HRN[i].Lama);
        printf("Waiting   : %d\n\n",HRN[i].Waiting);


    /*Melakukan Eksekusi HRN*/
    for (i=1; i<6; i++)
        /*Jika wktu belum berjalan cari Lama dgn wkt terkecil*/
        if ( time == 0 )
            /*PROSEDUR untuk mencari Min*/
            Min = HRN[1].Lama;
            for (j=2; j<6; j++)
              if ( Min > HRN[j].Lama )
                    Min  = HRN[j].Lama;
            for(j=1; j<6; j++)
                if (Min == HRN[j].Lama)
                    printf("Proses '%c' Telah Di eksekusi\n\n", HRN[j].ID);
            printf("Waktu Sekarang: %d\n\n",time);
        {  printf("Perputaran ke-%d\n\n",i);
            for (j=1; j<6; j++)
              HRN[j].Prioritas = (HRN[j].Waiting + HRN[j].Lama)/ HRN[j].Lama;
              printf("Proritas Proses '%c' = %f\n\n",HRN[j].ID,HRN[j].Prioritas);

            /*PROSEDUR untuk mencari Prioritas Terbesar*/
            for (j=2;j<6;j++)
                if ( Max < HRN[j].Prioritas )
                    Max = HRN[j].Prioritas;

            for(j=1; j<6; j++)
                if (Max == HRN[j].Prioritas)
                    printf("Proses '%c' Telah Di eksekusi", HRN[j].ID);



cOZ I'm an Indonesian. There're Lots of sentences using Bahasa Indonesia there...

Anyway, Thanks 4 ur attention..!!:)

iomanip.h is c++, not c, so you should delete that line (line #4)

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