hello there, well im back;) with a few more questions that i would like clarification with. I have completed up to data structures in python and my next topic is 'object oriented programming':| . Just wanted to clear up some things first:)
guess=int (input ('enter a number:'))
Q1. in this line there is no 'print' function yet 'enter a number' is printed onto the screen and why is there an 'int' preceding that line? is that necessary to specify what type of input is taken from the user?
while run:
guess=int (input('enter an age:'))
if guess==age:
print ('congrats you got it')
elif guess<age:
print ('thats too low..')
print ('thats too high')
print ('while loop is now over..')
Q2. I understand what happens in the above, but..what exactly does 'while run:' tell the computer?, what is 'true' exactly?, in order for that loop to run..? (sorry if im vague i think i confused my self here...).
while True:
s=input ('enter something:')
if s=='quit':
break #breaks program completely, and quits from console
if len(s)<3:
print ('strig length is too small')
print ('the entered input is long enough')
Q3. here, why is continue used?, cant we just say else: print('the entered input is long enough')?. How does a continue statement come in handy?
#"local variables"/functions3
def func(x):
print ('x is',x)
print ('changed local x to', x)
print ('x is still', x)
Q4. What is considered local in this case?, Isn't a variable inside a function considered to be local? because if the 'x=2' was not there it will print '50' nonetheless...??
def func():
global x
print ('x is:',x)
print ('changed global x to:',x)
print ('value of x is:',x)
Q5. This seems to be the same as the previous but it calls for x right??, yet in the previous example to print out the value of x 'global' is not needed. How does that work?
-Thank you