I try pass data from a table in Firebird to SQL server Mobile. I'm using c# in vs2005, and I have problems with transactions. At the end, if I want to rollback transaction, I would like to undo changes, but in the code I show you, Changes allways saves in database.
Why doesn't rollback works ?
public class MoveData
private SqlCeConnection conection;
private SqlCeTransaction trans;
private SqlCeDataAdapter command;
public MoveData(String path)
conection = new SqlCeConnection(@"Data Source=D:\MyDataBase.sdf");
public void MovingData()
//It's a empty table
command = new SqlCeDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM INVOICE", conection);
DataSet dataSet = new DataSet();
DataSet dataSet = new DataSet();
command.Fill(dataSet, "INVOICE");
DataTable TINVOICE = dataSet.Tables["INVOICE"];
trans = conection.BeginTransaction();
foreach (DataRow row in TINVOICEotherdatabasetable.Rows)
DataRow row1 = TINVOICE.NewRow();
foreach(DataColumn column in TINVOICEotherdatabasetable.Columns)
row1[column.ColumnName] = row[column.ColumnName];
SqlCeCommandBuilder commands = new SqlCeCommandBuilder(command);
command.Update(dataSet,"INVOICE"); //here save me changes in database
trans.Rollback();// this Rollback doesn't work, Why ??