can anyone plz help me. i m not able to compile source code.the problem is javac not recognised as internel or externel command.

What exactly are you doing? If you do not have a JDK installed with correct configuration there is no way your box will know about "javac" it isn't something computers come with by default.

First thing is you will need to install JDK from Sun, you can get that here. But most probably I assume you already have installed it.

Next to compile from your command line on windows, using the "javac" command you will need to update the PATH variable of your Windows System.

Hopefully you are using Windows 2000 or higher, If so on your desktop right click on "My Computer" and go to "Properties".

In the Window that opens up, click on the "Advanced" tab, and in that click on the "Environment Variables" button.

In the Environment Variables window, highlight the path variable in the Systems Variable section and click edit, At the begining of whatever value you have in its "Value" field, add the following "<JDK_INSTALL_DIRECTORY>\bin;" (without the double quotes and including the semicolon), where <JDK_INSTALL_DIRECTORY> is the directory in which your JDK is installed (for my windows OS it was "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_11\").

Once you have done the above, just open a new Console window and type "javac" to see if the path has been set correctly.

can anyone plz help me. i m not able to compile source code.the problem is javac not recognised as internel or externel command.

Consider doing a simple web search for the exact error message and 9 times out of 10 you would surely land up with a solution. It would be quicker for you and a time saver for us.

i tried doing dis stiil it gvs same mesg
plz help

i tried doing same but still its not workin

First off all drop the IM speak, its irritating to read that, write complete words please.

Now regarding the topic, have you closed your old console window and started a new window ? If so also try pasting here what you have in your PATH variable and the path of your JDK installation directory.

Also have a little patience do not post again and again out of desperation, people here will reply as soon as they possible.

First off all drop the IM speak, its irritating to read that, write complete words please.

Now regarding the topic, have you closed your old console window and started a new window ? If so also try pasting here what you have in your PATH variable and the path of your JDK installation directory.

whats IM speak
how am i suppose to reply to this posts
and what is so irritating
C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.5.0_07\jre\bin;

First off all drop the IM speak, its irritating to read that, write complete words please.

Now regarding the topic, have you closed your old console window and started a new window ? If so also try pasting here what you have in your PATH variable and the path of your JDK installation directory.

Also have a little patience do not post again and again out of desperation, people here will reply as soon as they possible.

variable name:Path
variable value:C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.5.0_07\jre\bin;

IM means Instant Messaging or SMS speak, for ex some of the words you said :- workin, stiil, mesg, gvs, plz, dis

Its irritating to read such stuff (and also against the forum rules).

Now back to the topic, you made a small mistake there, the path you have to put in your Windows "PATH" variable is "<JDK_INSTALL_DIRECTORY>\bin;" So in your case it would be :- "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.5.0_07\bin" <EDIT>
Also if you just trying to do some Java programming at home then I would suggest using a most recent 1.6.0_Update11 JDK.

Also why are you repeating your posts, you can edit your old posts also up to 30mins.

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