because C# have a LOT of Concepts I am kinda confused......what kind of advice can you give me to learn C#???I have the bases I think.....well kinda....

Loads of them

The ones I liked best Ive seen were on while its marketed towards XNA they cover a lot of the c# fundementals while making it fun

MS have one too, but I found it rather dry

YOUTUBE !!!!!!!! C# Tutorials , start off with C# Fundamentals , go through .NET Framework 070-526, 070-528, 070-529, 070-536, will be good


I found simple tutorials from page TutorialX (address Search Left panel for section Computer Languages and click in the menu Menu C#3.0
(teach basics C#). Also - if you looking for the Visual C# - in section Programming Environments - you may choose between Visual C#2003 and Microsoft Visual C# 2008 (depends what version you use).

Good Luck!

Loads of them

The ones I liked best Ive seen were on

I tried to access their video tutorials but donno why video/audio doesnt play in both the browsers in my vista .

You need the latest flash player, they certainly should work, do you see just black? or do you get no player type part at all?

Mine at work is just black, I'll try when I get home too

You need the latest flash player, they certainly should work, do you see just black? or do you get no player type part at all?

I see just black.. no cross mark or no indication that i should load something to browser

why video/audio doesnt play in both the browsers in my vista

Had the same experience. Signed in and all went well. Good videos! Although some of them have some strange quirks. For example two persons talking together differently about the same thing!

commented: tnx +1

Had the same experience. Signed in and all went well. Good videos! Although some of them have some strange quirks. For example two persons talking together differently about the same thing!

:icon_eek: tnx a ton.
seems like registration is required to view videos.
they could have mentioned it in their site.. i wud have registered long ago :D

anways thanx ddanbe.. dat is a good site n was feeling bad fr not access to videos.


ahhh, I have to sign in. Smart thinking ddanb

Ah, glad you guys got it to work, they are a big laugh those guys and the videos are kinda addictive.

If you want to learn XNA beyond C# Id more than certainly recommand all 3 volumnes of their XNA class

search on google "how do i" for c#
this on msdn web site


woah, this thread is very good -- if you want to LEARN by example ( the 3D software for video learning -- not really about learning c#)

we could use all the suggested site -- to do google search too
will save up lot of time in searching for easy tutorial

great work

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