hi all,
I want to use combo box in my application and i want to give user only selection option for combo box when they are entry data so i make combo boxs style property to drop down list. But when he edit the data then i access that record from database and want to set combo boxs value to that combo box but when i am assigning value to that combo box then i am getting error saying combo boxs text property is read only. I don't want to give edit facility for combo box in my application.
so can anybody tell me how can i do that.?
Thanks in advance



Set ComboBox's Style = 2 -DropDown List

This will allow user to only select from the available List


But i also want to assign value when user access data from database. Actually what i am doing is, when user enter new data that time i gave him selection from combo box but when user edit data that time that combo box's value will have to assign to that combo box. I make style property of combo box to drop down but when i assign value to it that time i am getting error as text box property is read only. I am not able to assign value to that combo box.

suppose i gave division selection in combo box.
But when user access that data from database and when i am trying to assign divisions value to that combo box i am getting error as text box property is read only.

first of all, your question is not clear at all...
you need to be more specific on what are you trying to accomplish...and please check your english....

okk....now for the coding purpose....you can use this code to add any customized value to a read-only combo box and assign the text of combo box to the newly added value...

with combo1
.AddItem text1.text
end with


keep in mind...you have to first add the new value to the combo box collection and then only you can assign it as current selection of value in the combo box...

there are also more alternative options...but try this one first....and get a feedback on what you got finally...


Hi, ComboBox.Style is ReadOnly property at Runtime, that means you can change its value only design time.

Try another logic instead of using Style property.

But i also want to assign value when user access data from database. Actually what i am doing is, when user enter new data that time i gave him selection from combo box but when user edit data that time that combo box's value will have to assign to that combo box. I make style property of combo box to drop down but when i assign value to it that time i am getting error as text box property is read only. I am not able to assign value to that combo box.

suppose i gave division selection in combo box.
But when user access that data from database and when i am trying to assign divisions value to that combo box i am getting error as text box property is read only.

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