hello again, Ive got the basics under my belt and ready to start making things happen:D.
I want to experiment with different things so could you show me to some good tutorials on some of the following things.

1. sending and receive messages through the internet-what library/Mod should i use?
2. Which would you recommend for a beginner wxWidgets, Tkinter or QT?
3. making a search script that returns results..
4. Databases?
5. Making a mini notepad...
6. Returning information from a webpage...

If you have any other helpful tips do let me know:).
(I'm using Python 3.0)

2. They're all trash.

Using python 3.0, you're going to be hard pressed to find libraries, as most ones haven't been ported over yet (it sucks, I know). I'm stuck using python 2.5 in a project because wxPython doesn't work with 3, and is buggy on 2.6.

oo right, it doesnt matter if its python 3 or not then..., where would i find tutorials/examples on those things:'( .

trash?, well any ideas on which trash is better?:D

1. http://www.zopelabs.com/cookbook/991178206, thats a tutorial/code snippet
2. i use wxPython, that is great and easy to use once you get used to it... http://zetcode.com/wxpython/
3. For this i use os.walk and look for filenames that are simillar to my query
4.mySQL is popular SQL Lite is packaged with python
5.THis is easily done in wxPython, use the wx.TextCtrl if it is just text, if you want a more powerful one, then use wx.richtext.RichTextCtrl
6.Depends, if you just want infomation such as the source code use urllib or urllib2

1. http://www.zopelabs.com/cookbook/991178206, thats a tutorial/code snippet
2. i use wxPython, that is great and easy to use once you get used to it... http://zetcode.com/wxpython/
3. For this i use os.walk and look for filenames that are simillar to my query
4.mySQL is popular SQL Lite is packaged with python
5.THis is easily done in wxPython, use the wx.TextCtrl if it is just text, if you want a more powerful one, then use wx.richtext.RichTextCtrl
6.Depends, if you just want infomation such as the source code use urllib or urllib2

cheers!, any good tuts for urllib1/2?

hello again, Ive got the basics under my belt and ready to start making things happen:D.
I want to experiment with different things so could you show me to some good tutorials on some of the following things.

1. sending and receive messages through the internet-what library/Mod should i use? [sockets/urllib2/smtp modules]
2. Which would you recommend for a beginner wxWidgets, Tkinter or QT?
3. making a search script that returns results.. [what are you searching? strings, files...??]
4. Databases? [SQLite comes with python -- good start also mySQLdb()not sure if version 3.0 is out]
5. Making a mini notepad...[That is GUI, wxpython does that and more than that]
6. Returning information from a webpage...[already mentioned urllib2]

If you have any other helpful tips do let me know:).
(I'm using Python 3.0)

Haven't looked at python 3.0, but I will answer according to what I know from python 2.5
Good start is python global module index at python documentation

for urllib i can use python 3.0 right?, and which is better when using wxPython python 2.5 or 2.6?

as i said, if you want to use wxpython, go with 2.5. The 2.6 version of wxpython is buggy.

Avoid Python 2.6 if you can. It was supposed to help preparing folks for Python 3.0, but it is just confusing to most users. Also like scru mentioned, wxPython for Python 2.6 has some errors in it.

I finally managed to get my SciTE IDE editor set for Python30. Actually, it was relatively easy.

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