Hello everybody.. Here I have a question regarding my “Budget System” project. It’s about to link the annual budget amount (txtBudget) from form 1 to the (txtBudget) in the form 2. It means that the system user have to set the value txtBudget in the form 1, so that it appears in the form 2 txtBudget, consequently to show the balance in txtBalance after being reducted using the MSFlexGrid codes below…
Private Sub cmdCalculate_Click()
Dim i As Integer
Dim TAmt As Currency
TAmt = 0
For i = 1 To Grd.Rows - 1
TAmt = TAmt + Val(Grd.TextMatrix(i, 7))
TAmt = Val(txtBudget.Text) - TAmt
txtBalance.Text = Format(TAmt, "0.00")
End Sub
Hope you can guide me, how to link the txtBudget value in these Form 1 and Form 2. Do I need to use module, or database otherwise? But how it is? I had reviewed the book and hardly thought about it, but I can’t find the answer..