
i need help on how to open files by using variable names..

here's my function:

void stringSearcher(string filename, string search)
	ifstream file;
		cerr<<"File can't be open..."<<endl;
	string line;

		getline(file, line);

my problem is that there's always an error on the file.open line...
"no matching function to call...etc"

this is where i call the function in my main:

while (pent=readdir(pdir))
        if (checkXML(pent->d_name))
	     string title("<TITLE>");
	     [B]stringSearcher(pent->d_name, title);[/B]

sorry if you don't understand it,,

thx for helps... i need this asap btw,,

When you see it say that there's "no matching function", that means there's no function with the given name that expects the types you've provided. If you double-check the documentation for ifstream's open function, you'll see that it takes a char*, not a string.

So use the .c_str() member function to get a char*.

When you see it say that there's "no matching function", that means there's no function with the given name that expects the types you've provided. If you double-check the documentation for ifstream's open function, you'll see that it takes a char*, not a string.

So use the .c_str() member function to get a char*.

thx,, for quick reply,, :) i have just did that..

now,, there's no more errors,,

but the problem is,, File can't be open...

void stringSearcher(string filename, string search)
	ifstream file;
	ifstream openfile(filename.c_str());
		cerr<<"File can't be open..."<<endl;

	string line;
		getline(file, line);

when i cout the filename,, it is right,, for example -> "file.xml"
and it is in the same directory with my source codes..
but it can't be open using .c_str()..

if i use file.open("file.xml"),, it opens properly....

what's the problem??

thx again,,

sorry for double post...

i have already fixed my problem... just overlooked something..

thx for the help again..

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