hey guys i would like to know how it's possible to run a java project outside of it's IDE.

How can i get it running on a website?

I also tried running it on my computer but...navigating to the project through cmd and using the "java project" command to run it.

Excpetion in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException.....

Read the stickies at the top of this forum; they contain all the information required for a beginner to get started with Java - from scratch.

Hi jhonnyboy .
you can use "j2e_enterprise" software , which converts .jar file to .exe file . Download it and try it , actually it's perfect for me .

hope my reply is helpful
best regards

commented: Useless information +0
commented: Agreed with verruckt useless, irrelevant and dare someone call it even "information" -1
commented: propably all has been said before -1
commented: You are not wrong, just misguided; I apologise on behalf of the community for this shameless behavior of adding -ve reg without giving a second chance. +26

Hi jhonnyboy .
you can use "j2e_enterprise" software , which converts .jar file to .exe file . Download it and try it , actually it's perfect for me .

hope my reply is helpful
best regards

That is the worst advice ever. To encourage someone to go all this trouble, when they already have a jar file that can be run. You are practically destroying the hole concept of writing the program in java.
Just because you don't have an IDE doesn't mean that you cannot run a jar file. IDEs weren't created to run files .jar or .class. Only to make life easier and to boost production.

If you read other similar threads everyone discourage the converting of a .jar into an .exe

Hi jhonnyboy .
you can use "j2e_enterprise" software , which converts .jar file to .exe file . Download it and try it , actually it's perfect for me .

hope my reply is helpful
best regards

if you read his post more carefully, he asks how to run his project in a web site ..
so, genious, how many of your favourite sites did you convert to an .exe lately?


I am *really* concerned with this recent stance taken by the regulars when dealing with posts which given out wrong information. It feels really bad when I see replies/comments along the lines of:

roseindia, are you kidding me???? One awful place they love to show-off most terrible solution

useless, irrelevant and dare someone call it even "information"

Useless information

That is the worst advice ever. To encourage someone to go all this trouble, when they already have a jar file that can be run. You are practically destroying the hole concept of writing the program in java.

so, genious, how many of your favourite sites did you convert to an .exe lately?

Great, just great, all I see is pointed words dripping with sarcasm. I'll tell you what you just did. Your comments didn't enable him to learn, they just discouraged him helping out people in the future with the fear that he would again be criticized.

So I ask you all, were you this smart/good to go with Java when you started as a beginner, would it have been wrong on your part to refer to roseindia when it was the first tutorial which came up from a web search, were you all smart enough to realize that what roseindia gives out is bad on all counts? Isn't this just *collective* knowledge you gained by being told by others / visiting the forums?

Does this poster have that kind of history of ignoring advice that you all felt it was necessary to be sarcastic and add out negative reputation? Was correcting him out by saying: "Maybe you misread the question, the OP is trying to ask something else" or "roseindia is a bad site with substandard content, try avoiding it" that hard? Was giving him a second chance that hard?



I appreciate the help given out by the forum regulars to the beginners out here; just don't make me hand out infractions under the 'Keep it pleasant' rule.


Thanks for the advice, but i wouldn't want to download a third party software to convert the .jar file to .exe

@~s.o.s~ :
I am afraid sos, but I do have a different opinion here, to prove my stance being correct here let me site you an example of another thread here. If you go through this thread - I think you have already gone through - you would come across my second post to him where I explain to him in the same tone that you ask us to in your above post, that copy-pasting top links without going through much of the OP's actual problem could be misguiding (I use the same word too). But with further reading you would have noticed that he disregards the advice altogether and tries to cover up his act saying that he had gone through the OP's post "carefully" and the examples given by him do really help the OP. Going through the examples yourself and understading the OP's actual problem do you think they were even remotely related ?
I don't think so. This is what was pointed out by me on which stephen84s supported me. The point I want to make here is, I tried telling him the polite way on avoiding the kind of behaviour he showed here. I also adviced him what he should do if he is really short on time, but he was too busy feeling pride in the so called help offered by him. It is the outright denying of wrong behaviour even after doing it and having been told politely about it, that I am not in support of. I guess this thing was felt by others too and thats the reason of the -ve rep.
Also as you say we too would not have been smart enough to know from the start whats bad and whats not, in my case I learnt the name of roseindia here and at the same time I learnt it was not recommended too and the reason for it, but even though and especially when one knows he's not smart he should be in an accepting mode if people advice him something politely. And at any times one should not be outrightly lying which I certainly found him doing.

To site you another example here : I would not like to go too far, it was with me itself, it was my first post and the topic too was close to this, JAR to .exe, masijade and stultuske and both adviced the OP and I felt the need of adding something more it. While doing so I made a wrong statement, which was refuted by masijade which I felt at that time was a bit unfriendly. I too responded to him in the same fashion, but I was wrong since what masijade was refuting to was actually a wrong statement, I realized this and promptly doled out an paology to him. I am not saying that the poster in question apologizes to anybody, he doesn't have to, I am saying that realizing his behaviour and the wrong example siting he should take a more softer stand than what he did.

don't make me hand out infractions under the 'Keep it pleasant' rule.

Shucks I thought those were just some fictional stuff from some horror story to make us behave nicely. :-O :-O :-O :-O :-O

Just to lighten the mood here. :)

> to prove my stance being correct here

Let me say this once again; the stance of posting sarcastic/hostile comments is never the correct one. Normally hostile attitude adopted towards a forum member is rewarded with an infraction; something I try avoid giving at all costs. Maybe this stance is causing other people/forum members to adopt an easy going attitude regarding moderators / forum rules?

And regarding the tone adopted by the poster, I have had similar experiences with people having English as their second/third language; the thing they try to convey ends up being different than what they end up writing.

Like almost every forum rules out there states, if you think you have nothing more to add other than flaming the poster, please avoid making that post. Rather than bringing the poster on the right track, it might have the effect of turning a perfectly fine discussion into a flame war.

commented: Hey ~s.o.s~ you dint mention whether the mod hat was on or off :P +5

Hi everybody ,,
i think being with you in this site made alot of problems .. so don't worry everybody ,, i'll leave my acount in this site ,,,

and thanks for every thing,

and i realy want to thank 'sos' for his polite behavior with beginners

best regards

The problems would have been a lot less if you agreed at the very first that some of your posts niot in this thread but in the other thread weren't helping the OP. It's your outright denial of the fact that I did not like myself, I am not speaking for others here, they may have their own reasons for their behaviour. It seems that you have taken it too personally. FYI I wouyld like to tell you that there are tens of users that introduce themselves to this forum everyday, it's not that we have something against them, we can't since we all too were new comers someday, but we feel it our moral duty towards this forum that the OP is made aware of the incorrect advice. I did the same and also suggested you where you were going wrong. Also while making you realize of your mistake I certainly did not use any harsh tone or words. You did not accept it, I gave you enough proof of the fact, but there was no acceptance of the fact from yourside and that's what I guess did not went down well with anybody. If you are able to realize and accept your mistakes in life and make an effort towards not repeating them you are a winner in life. It's upto you now.

And regarding the tone adopted by the poster, I have had similar experiences with people having English as their second/third language; the thing they try to convey ends up being different than what they end up writing.

nobody here expects every poster's English to be without flaws, but since English is not my 2nd or 3rd language (4th, actually), it seems possible that one can write English, even if it's not your native tongue, without returning to 'ye good ole' l33t talk, or to disregard any form of normal forum-chat (and I'm not stating it was the case in this thread)

I agree, some of my posts can be rude, but considering the amount of topics here with the classical "how to create .exe files from projects", the amount of times that is answered "very, very bad idea to do so", not forgetting the fact that creating an exe here would not help the problem, certainly not, since the original post raises suspicion that we're talking about a web application.

I do appreciate the fact that he became a member, and certainly I do appreciate him trying to help other posters, but the sollution here seemed a bit like using a pitch fork to eat a bowl of spaghetti: it's possible that it works, but nine times out of ten, you'll seriously injure your mouth by trying alone.

so yes, I do reply then with a comment that might seem as 'putting him down', since the soft approach doesn't really hand out the most refreshing wake-up call.

I will, however, from now on, try to choose my words more 'delicately', so I hope that more comments on cases like this can be avoided

> nobody here expects every poster's English to be without flaws,
> but since English is not my 2nd or 3rd language (4th, actually)

Just because you can do it doesn't mean everyone can; each person has a different learning curve, level of perception etc. etc.

> I agree, some of my posts can be rude, but considering the
> amount of topics here with the classical "how to create .exe files
> from projects"

Disagreements are a part of forum discussions but name calling and sarcasm in the guise of correcting is something the rules don't permit. Also a wrong answer doesn't automatically qualify a post as being the bulls eye for sarcasm/negativity.

> but the sollution here seemed a bit like using a pitch fork to eat a
> bowl of spaghetti:

Then try to make him understand how to actually eat a bowl of spaghetti instead of stuffing the pitchfork down his throat, rendering him unable to eat anything his entire life.

> so yes, I do reply then with a comment that might seem as
> 'putting him down', since the soft approach doesn't really hand
> out the most refreshing wake-up call.

As an example, just because I hate someone doesn't make killing that person a logical choice. In the same manner, just because I feel something is a lost cause doesn't make breaking the rules a logical choice.

> I will, however, from now on, try to choose my words more 'delicately', so I
> hope that more comments on cases like this can be avoided

Yes, that would be really appreciated. :-)

commented: I'm the kinda person who rather hates persons like the mods etc., but dunno there's something in the way you explain anything, that we feel we ought to obey and say 'Yes we'll do it'. Keep it up. +2
commented: I hate you, you manage to persuade me almost everytime. +5

Now since everyone here seems to be turning soft, and considering my tendency to blow up especially recently , I guess I too will try not to vent my life's frustrations on forum rookies.

@stephen84s :
If you really have some life's frustation that need venting then what the hell are your office team members for. Pour it over to them ;)

my thread has been hijacked lol

You certainly have an extremely fast information network ;)

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