Now I'm fairly sure this is a simple answer. And I am sure at some point I knew the answer to this question but I just can't remember it.

All I need to do is only allow the users to add new records, I am not using a datagrid rather a details form (i.e. individual text boxes etc...).

I do not want the users to be able to view current records or edit them. If I just used plain text boxes then that obviously would be simple but I've already designed my rather detailed forms using the data objects (so taking the fields straight from the Data Sources mainly because it saves me writing the connection strings and stuff.

Hope this is possible without going back to using normal text boxes and writing the connection string out my self, only because that's a long way back to go right now.



I think you use BindingNavigator so, in its properties you can remove items like move next\previous\first\last and delete item too, that's would prevent the user from acting else inserting..

Thanks, initially it didn't work exactly becasue the first record still came up when the form loaded because of the fill being in the form load event handler. Then I had some issues when I took this out or moved, I found the easiest solution was to remove the navigation buttons and make the text boxes invisible (if I disabled them then the controls disabled), and then when the add record button is clicked I made them all visible again. This was a sort of round a bout way of sorting it but it works.

initially it didn't work exactly becasue the first record still came up when the form loaded because of the fill being in the form load event handler

comment it!!
So, comment the Fill method and remove items like move next\previous\first\last and delete item too, that's would prevent the user from acting else inserting.

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