Hi, I'm completely new to C++, which I'm doing as part of a numerical methods course. I have experience with IDL, so I clearly like languages with training wheels :) I'm running the GNU C++ compiler under Ubuntu 8.04 on a Dell XPS.
I've made my first program run, but I find it ugly, and would like some help figuring out why it looks like it does. I'm trying to calculate partial sums of a series:
[TEX] $S_{N} = \sum_{i=1}^{N} (-1)^{i-1} * i^{-3}[/TEX]
Then some other algorithms for the same thing. The code below works, but I don't like the explosion of variables I've had to resort to. I'm storing -1 to a named variable. I mean, really? However, using commands like pow(-1,i-1) gives me an error that the pow command is overloaded and doesn't know whether to use float pow or double pow. So I'm wondering how I could write this program without using so many different variables. Thanks a lot,
// hmwrk11.cpp
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;
int main()
int N;
float Sa=0;
float i=1.0;
float term_a1;
float term_a2;
float exp_a1;
float m3 = -3.0;
float m1 = -1.0;
float base_a2;
cout << "How many terms in the partial sum?: ";
cin >> N;
// Method A, direct summation.
for (i;i<N;i++) {
exp_a1 = i - 1;
base_a2 = i;
term_a1 = pow(m1,i-1);
term_a2 = pow(base_a2,m3);
Sa = Sa + term_a1 * term_a2;
cout << "The partial sum from Method 1 is: " << Sa << endl;
// Method B for even N
float k = 1.0;
float Sb = 0.0;
float term_b1;
float term_b2;
float exp_b1;
float exp_b2;
float tk;
float tk1;
if (N % 2 == 0) {
for (k;k<N/2.0;k++) {
tk = 2.0*k;
tk1 = tk--;
term_b1 = pow(m1,tk) * pow(tk1,m3);
term_b2 = pow(m1,tk1) * pow(tk,m3);
Sb = Sb + term_b1 + term_b2;
cout << "The partial sum from Method 2 is: " << Sb << endl;
float j=1.0;
float m = 1;
float Sc=0;
float term_c1 = 0;
float term_c2 = 0;
float tj = 0;
float tj1 = 0;
float tm = 0;
float temp = 0;
for (j;j<N/2.0;j++) {
tj = 2*j;
tj1 = tj - 1;
temp = pow(tj1,m3);
term_c1 = term_c1 + term_c2;
temp = 0;
for (m;m<N/2.0;m++) {
tm = 2*m;
temp = pow(tm,m3);
term_c2 = term_c2 + temp;
Sc = term_c1 - term_c2;
cout << "The Partial sum from Method 3 is: " << Sc << endl;
else cout << "N isn't even!!!!" << endl;
return 0;