I have to create a structure array that contains the title, director, year made, and run time of a list of 4 movies. Then I need to create a function to display the contents of the array. Then ask the user what movie they'd like to search for. Create a function to do a linear search and then display the information for the movie or display invalid entry.
I keep getting a lot of errors in my code.
These are the most common:
movie.cpp:48: error: no matching function for call to 'Movie::Movie(const char [9], const char [10], int, int)'
movie.cpp:29: note: candidates are: Movie::Movie(int, int)
movie.cpp:23: note: Movie::Movie(const Movie&)

movie.cpp:59: error: invalid conversion from 'Movie*' to 'int'
movie.cpp:59: error: initializing argument 1 of 'Movie::Movie(int, int)'

movie.cpp:73: error: no match for 'operator[]' in 'Info[value]'

Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong? Why isn't the function recognizing the structure? Did I enter it in wrong?


1 #include <iostream>
2 #include <string>
3 using namespace std;
5 struct Movie
6 {
7     string name;
8     string director;
9     int year;
10     int time;
12     Movie(int y=0, int t=0)
13     {
14       year = y;
15        time = t;
16     }
19// Function prototypes
21 void displayInfo(Movie);
22 int search(Movie, string &);
23 int main()
24 {
26 //Names and Types of Inputs
27 string value;
28 int position;
29 Movie Info[4] = { Movie("Firewall", "Loncraine", 2006, 105),
30                 Movie("Crash", "Haggis", 2005, 112),
31                  Movie("Breach", "Ray", 2007, 110),
32                  Movie("Enchanted", "Lima", 2007, 107),
33                 Movie("Star Wars", "Lucas", 2002, 120) };
34    displayInfo(Info);
36 cout<<"What is the name of the movie you are searching    
37 for?"<<endl;
38 cin>>value;
39    position = search(Info, value);
40    if (position == -1)
41        cout << "Sorry that movie title is not in the list" << endl;
42   else
43       {
44        cout << Info[value].name <<endl;
45        cout << Info[value].director<< endl;
46        cout << Info[value].year<< endl;
47        cout << Info[value].time << endl;
48        }
50   return 0;
51 }
53 void displayInfo(Movie Info[])
54 {
55    for (int a=0; a<4; a++)
56    {
57    cout << Info[a].name <<endl;
58    cout << Info[a].director<< endl;
59    cout << Info[a].year<< endl;
60    cout << Info[a].time << endl;
61    }
62 }
63 int searchList(Movie Info[], string &value)
65 {
66    int index = 0;       // Used as subscript to search array
67    int position = -1;   // To record position of search value
68    bool found = false;  // Flag to indicate if value found
70    // Step through the array as long as the value is not found
71    while (index < 4 && !found)
72    {
73        if (Info[index].name == value)
74        {
75            found = true;           // The value is found
76            position = index;       // Record the value's position
77        }
78        index++;                    // Go to next element
79    }
81    return position;
82 }

You need to make your constructer call for the Movie class match the constructor definition for starters.

Your displayInfo() and searchList() functions in there prototype do not state they accept an array of of the structure Movie, but they do in their definitions.


I was able to clear up most the problems, I'm getting a new error though,

Undefined first referenced
symbol in file
search(Movie*, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >&)/var/tmp//ccR5eYLm.o
ld: fatal: Symbol referencing errors. No output written to a.out
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

How do I fix this? I have included string, and iostream.

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