
Can anyone point me the direction of getting a linux verision that comes with a .cpp compiler? so you enter gcpp filename.cpp which compiles the code and runs it in a konsole?

I've got mandrake and Suse siting here....



Can anyone point me the direction of getting a linux verision that comes with a .cpp compiler? so you enter gcpp filename.cpp which compiles the code and runs it in a konsole?

I've got mandrake and Suse siting here....


Most linux distributions come with a c++ compiler. Its invoked as gcc (This is both a c and c++ compiler)

e.g. gcc myprog.cpp -o myprog


>Can anyone point me the direction of getting a linux verision that comes with a .cpp compiler?
g++ comes standard with every Linux distro I know of.


The question may be if you, or the person that setup linux on your computer, chose to install the C++ environment for you. The selections when setting up linux may be referred to as Development Libraries or Development Tools. You might need to go and add them to your linux environment.


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