i have a question on how i could calculate the overall score of the users input using five instance variables, three for three quizzes, one for a midterm and one for a final exam. the quizzes are graded between 1 and 10 while the midterm and final are graded between 1 and 100. the quizzes count for 25 percent of the grade, the midterm 35 percent, and the final 40 percent

i got everything else to work on my program, i just need help calculating the overall grade and i also need it to go into my toString method so when i call the toString method in my driver program, it will output the three quiz grades, the midterm the final ,and the overall grade which needs to be calculated and not inputed like the others.

i appreciate any help thank you very much

public class over
    private double quizOne;//instance variables
    private double quizTwo;
    private double quizThree;
    private double midterm;
    private double finals;
    private double overall;
    private char letter;

    public Grade()//constructors
        quizOne = 6.0;
        quizTwo = 7.0;
        quizThree = 8.0;
        midterm = 82.0;
        finals = 78.0;
        overall = 75.0;
        letter = 'C';

    public Grade(double q, double r, double s, double m, double f, double o, char l)
        quizOne = q;
        quizTwo = r;
        quizThree = s;
        midterm = m;
        finals = f;
        overall = o;
        letter = l;

    public double getQuizOne()//accessor methods
        return quizOne;

    public double getQuizTwo()
        return quizTwo;

    public double getQuizThree()
        return quizThree;

    public double getMidterm()
        return midterm;

    public double getFinals()
        return finals;

    public double getOverall()
        return overall;

    public char getLetter()
        return letter;

    public void setQuizOne(double qo)//mutator methods
            quizOne = qo;
            System.out.println("Fatal Error.");

    public void setQuizTwo(double qtw)
            quizTwo = qtw;
            System.out.println("Fatal Error.");

    public void setQuizThree(double qth)
            quizThree = qth;
            System.out.println("Fatal Error.");

    public void setMidterm(double m)
            midterm = m;
            System.out.println("Fatal Error.");

    public void setFinals(double f)
            finals = f;
            System.out.println("Fatal Error.");

    public double calculateFinalScore(double quizOne, double quizTwo, double quizThree, double midterm, double finals)
        overall = ((.25*((quizOne+quizTwo+quizThree)/3))+(.35*midterm)+(.40*finals));
        return overall;

    public char calculateLetter()
            letter = 'F';
        else if(overall<70.0)
            letter = 'D';
        else if(overall<80.0)
            letter = 'C';
        else if(overall<90.0)
            letter = 'B';
        else if(overall<100.0)
            letter = 'A';
            System.out.println("Fatal Error.");
            return 0;//needed to keep compiler happy

    public boolean checkQuiz(double q)//facilitator methods
        if(q>=0.0 && q<=10.0)
            return true;
            return false;

    public boolean checkMajor(double cm)
        if(cm>=0.0 && cm<=100.0)
            return true;
            return false;

    public boolean equals(Grade myGrade)//equals method
            return true;
            return false;

    public String toString()//toString method
        return("The grade for quiz 1 is: " + quizOne + " The grade for quiz 2 is: " + quizTwo + " The grade for quiz is: " + quizThree + " The grade for the midterm is: " + midterm + " The grade for the final exam is: " + finals + " The overall grade is: " + overall + " which is a " + letter);

import java.util.Scanner;

public class driver2
    public static void main(String[] args)
        Grade good = new Grade();
        Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(System.in);
        int p = 0;
            System.out.println("Enter the grade for quiz 1 from 0 to 10 points as a decimal.");
            System.out.println("Enter the grade for quiz 2 from 0 to 10 points as a decimal.");
            System.out.println("Enter the grade for quiz 3 from 0 to 10 points as a decimal.");
            System.out.println("Enter the grade for the midterm exam from 0 to 100 points as a decimal.");
            System.out.println("Enter the grade for the midterm exam from 0 to 100 points as a decimal.");
            System.out.println("Your overall grade is: ");
            System.out.println("Enter a 1 to use the grade program or a -1 to quit.");
            p = keyboard.nextInt();

im having trouble with the calculatingFinalScore and outputting the letter and overall score
thank you for your help

i know how to output the overall score now, i just need to know how to output the letter grade

forget it i found it out thanks for nothing

forget it i found it out thanks for nothing

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