I wrote this piece of code. It is giving me an error that i cannot correct.

This piece is saved the file: CE.java

public class CE
private String first;
private String second;
private String ssn;
private float rate;
private float sales;

public CE(String fName, String lName, String secu, float commRate, float grossSales)
first = fName;
second = lName;
ssn = secu;

public CE()

public void setRate(float commRate)
rate = commRate;

public float getRate()
return rate;

public void setSales(float grossSales)
sales = grossSales;

public float getSales()
return sales;

public float earning()
return getSales()*getRate();

public String getssn()
return ssn;

This piece is saved in the file: BCE.java

public class BCE extends CE
private float baseSalary;

public BCE(String fName, String lName, String secu, float commRate, float grossSales, float base)
super(fName, lName, secu, commRate, grossSales);

public BCE()

public void setbase(float base)
baseSalary = base;

public float getbase()
return baseSalary;

public float earning()
return getbase() + super.earning();

And this in: IT.java

public class IT
public static void main(String args[])
CE emp1 = new CE("Martin", "Sheen", "420", 0.2, 100000);
BCE emp2 = new BCE("Rachael", "King", "421", 0.2,100000, 2000);


I get the following error message

IT.java:5 cannot find symbol
symbol : constructor CE(java.lang.String,java.lang.String,
java.lang.String, double, int)
location: class CE
CE emp1 = new CE(-- data here --);
IT.java:6 cannot find symbol
symbol : constructor CE(java.lang.String,java.lang.String,
java.lang.String, double, int, int)
location: class CE
CE emp2 = new CE(-- data here --);

I've saved the above thre files in a folder and run the command:

javac -file names with .java extension-

from the command prompt.

Please Help

The respective carrot signs are under the new keyword.

CE emp1 = new CE("Martin", "Sheen", "420", 0.2, 100000);
public CE(String fName, String lName, String secu, float commRate, float grossSales)

When you write: 0.2 java interprets it as a double. But your constructor accepts a float. So you need to "tell" java to treat 0.2 as a float not a double:

CE emp1 = new CE("Martin", "Sheen", "420", 0.2F, 100000);
BCE emp2 = new BCE("Rachael", "King", "421", 0.2F,100000, 2000);
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