Hi people
Can someone introduce me a website or e-book (but not a book) that explains each windows API function or data type or...one-by-one?

This would be a good start

really thank you niek_e :)
wow what a suggestion.what a site :-O
I didn't know google's address!:angry:

There are literally thousands of win32 api functions, and more are added with each new version of MS-Windows. You will not find all of them in any one place, except possibly MSDN at www.microsoft.com

In fact i meant the most useful ones and not like most of tutorials that in the first step gives you a lot of code to read and understand.
in fact something that explains every function(most useful ones)seperately.

You could start here

Microsoft publishes such a book in several volumes, last time I looked at my local book store it cost over $150.00 USD for the set.

And your term "most useful functions" depends on who wants the information. "Most useful" to me might not be the same as "most useful" to you.

When I want a certain win32 api function I just google for it, or search for it at www.microsoft.com.

commented: *Falls Out Of His Chair Laughing* +10

really thank you niek_e :)
wow what a suggestion.what a site :-O
I didn't know google's address!:angry:

No problem, it's a very useful site, I use it quite a lot.

You could start here

Haha, now you've done it :)

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