Hello Everyone.
Congratulations for the Forum.

Ok... How can I print a external file ( and .doc document for example) using C++???

The document I wanna print is a .lbl extension.
A zebra printer label model, and I'm using a seguential number on this label and every time I right-click-print on this file the zebra software asks me " Enter the initial number" then it starts printing ..... and so on...

I whant to do this from a c++ software,

can anyone help me?

thanks in advance.

Tiago Santos

I used a Zebra printer a few years ago that was attached to a wireless barcode scanner from Symbols Technologies. At that time we wrote a C program that send the contents of the *.lbl file directly to the printer via the scanner's rs232 port.

If this is what you have in mind then you will have to read the Zebra printer's programmer's documentation to find out how to interact with the printer. If you don't have it then contact the manufacturer for it.

If you are working with MS-Windows on a PC then you might be able to just call ShellExecute() win32 api function.

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