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So, I created this fun little Tic Tac Toe game all on my own. It was a tough project, and I know I used some inefficient strategies in the coding. Just like the other things I've posted, this could use a lot of suggestions in the areas of clean code and possible add-ons.

import random
board_list = [" ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " "]
def update_board(l):
    board_list = l
    board = """
   %s   |   %s   |   %s
   %s   |   %s   |   %s
   %s   |   %s   |   %s""" % (board_list[0], board_list[1], board_list[2], board_list[3], board_list[4], board_list[5], board_list[6], board_list[7], board_list[8]) 
    return board
board = update_board(board_list)

def player_turn(marker):
    temp_list = []
    num = 1
    for item in board_list:
        if item == " ":
        num = num + 1
    temp_board = update_board(temp_list)
    print temp_board
    while 1:
            spot = raw_input("Where would you like to place your marker? ")
            while temp_list[int(spot)-1] in ["X","O"] or spot not in ["1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9"]:
                spot = raw_input("Where would you like to place your marker? ")
        except IndexError:
    spot = int(spot) - 1
    board_list[spot] = marker
    return update_board(board_list)

def comp_turn():
    possible_comp_moves = []
    blah = see_if_win("computer_turn")
    if blah == None: # No way for the computer to win
        for index in range(len(board_list)):
            if board_list[index] == " ":
                possible_comp_moves.append(index) # adds the index for each possible move
        move_index = random.choice(possible_comp_moves) # randomly chooses a possible move
        board_list[move_index] = comp_marker
        return update_board(board_list)
        return update_board(blah)

def see_if_win(mode="normal"):
    a = 0
    b = 1
    c = 2
    d = 3
    e = 4
    f = 5
    g = 6
    h = 7
    i = 8
    winlist = [(a,b,c), (d,e,f), (g,h,i), (a,d,g,), (b,e,h), (c,f,i), (a,e,i), (g,e,c)]
    if mode == "normal":
        for win_type in winlist:
            if board_list[win_type[0]] == board_list[win_type[1]] == board_list[win_type[2]]:
                if board_list[win_type[0]] in ["X","O"]:
                    return board_list[win_type[0]]
    elif mode == "computer_turn":
        for win_type in winlist:
            if (board_list[win_type[0]] == board_list[win_type[1]]) and board_list[win_type[2]] == " " and board_list[win_type[0]] == comp_marker:
                board_list[win_type[2]] = comp_marker
                return board_list
            elif (board_list[win_type[0]] == board_list[win_type[2]]) and board_list[win_type[1]] == " " and board_list[win_type[0]] == comp_marker:
                board_list[win_type[1]] = comp_marker
                return board_list
            elif (board_list[win_type[1]] == board_list[win_type[2]]) and board_list[win_type[0]] == " " and board_list[win_type[1]] == comp_marker:
                board_list[win_type[0]] = comp_marker
                return board_list
        for win_type in winlist:
            if (board_list[win_type[0]] == board_list[win_type[1]]) and board_list[win_type[2]] == " " and board_list[win_type[0]] == marker:
                board_list[win_type[2]] = comp_marker
                return board_list
            elif (board_list[win_type[0]] == board_list[win_type[2]]) and board_list[win_type[1]] == " " and board_list[win_type[0]] == marker:
                board_list[win_type[1]] = comp_marker
                return board_list
            elif (board_list[win_type[1]] == board_list[win_type[2]]) and board_list[win_type[0]] == " " and board_list[win_type[1]] == marker:
                board_list[win_type[0]] = comp_marker
                return board_list

        return None

#board = player_turn("X")

def get_marker():
    marker=raw_input("Would you like to be X's or O's?: ")
    while marker not in ["X","O","x","o"]:
       marker=raw_input("Would you like to be X's or O's?: ")
    print "You are", marker.upper()
    if marker == "O":
        comp_marker = "X"
        comp_marker = "O"
    return marker,comp_marker

# Create an empty board
board = update_board(board_list)
# Menu to choose game type:
# PVP = player vs player
# PVC = player vs computer
menu = \
'''Game modes
(1) - Player vs. Player
(2) - Player vs. Computer'''
print menu
game = raw_input("Choose a menu item number: ")
if game == "1":
    game = "PVP"
elif game == "2":
    game = "PVC"
# Part of the loops; keep playing while no one has won
win = None
if game == "PVP":
    again = 1
    while again == 1:
        marker,comp_marker = get_marker()
        turn = "player"
        while win == None:
            if " " not in board_list:
            if turn == "player":
                board = player_turn(marker)
                turn = "computer"
            elif turn == "computer":
                board = player_turn(comp_marker)
                turn = "player"
            win = see_if_win()
        print board
        if win != None:
            print "%s won!" % (win)
            print "There are no more moves. DRAW!"
        while again not in ["y","n"]:
            again = raw_input("Would you like to play again? (y/n) ").lower()
        if again == "y":
            again = 1
            board_list = [" ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " "]
            board = update_board(board_list)

elif game == "PVC":
    again = 1
    while again == 1:
        marker,comp_marker = get_marker()
        turn = "player"
        while win == None:
            if " " not in board_list:
            if turn == "player":
                board = player_turn(marker)
                turn = "computer"
            elif turn == "computer":
                board = comp_turn()
                turn = "player"
            win = see_if_win()
        print board
        if win != None:
            print "%s won!" % (win)
            print "There are no more moves. DRAW!"
        while again not in ["y","n"]:
            again = raw_input("Would you like to play again? (y/n) ").lower()
        if again == "y":
            again = 1
            board_list = [" ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " "]
            board = update_board(board_list)

print "I hope you enjoyed playing Tic-Tac-Toe."

Thanks! I learn a lot from your responses.


Nice! :)
I didn't have a detailed look on the code, but
*) instead of

% (board_list[0], board_list[1], board_list[2], board_list[3], board_list[4], board_list[5], board_list[6], board_list[7], board_list[8])

it may be easier to write % (tuple(board_list)) ;)
*) I won several times, but the program didn't notice it. That's frustrating :-|

Regards, mawe

Nice game, but like mawe says, your (PVC) 'player wins' detector does not work! Something to work on.

Good stuff. I am a tic tac toe freak myself I guess. I wrote one in Ruby and one in C. It's interesting to see how much faster the C version can solve the game tree. My ruby version only looks ahead like four moves for performance reasons. AI is neat stuff. I put the code on my blog at

C version. . .

Ruby version. . .


How do i run this program in my python?

First toggle the DaniWeb code field to plain text. Right click and select all, then right click and copy to your editor. From the editor save the code as let's say ''. If you have an IDE editor, run the code from there. If you are using Python3, then you need to convert the Python2 code to Python3 code with the utility that comes with Python3.

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