So, I created this fun little Tic Tac Toe game all on my own. It was a tough project, and I know I used some inefficient strategies in the coding. Just like the other things I've posted, this could use a lot of suggestions in the areas of clean code and possible add-ons.
import random
board_list = [" ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " "]
def update_board(l):
board_list = l
board = """
%s | %s | %s
%s | %s | %s
%s | %s | %s""" % (board_list[0], board_list[1], board_list[2], board_list[3], board_list[4], board_list[5], board_list[6], board_list[7], board_list[8])
return board
board = update_board(board_list)
def player_turn(marker):
temp_list = []
num = 1
for item in board_list:
if item == " ":
num = num + 1
temp_board = update_board(temp_list)
print temp_board
while 1:
spot = raw_input("Where would you like to place your marker? ")
while temp_list[int(spot)-1] in ["X","O"] or spot not in ["1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9"]:
spot = raw_input("Where would you like to place your marker? ")
except IndexError:
spot = int(spot) - 1
board_list[spot] = marker
return update_board(board_list)
def comp_turn():
possible_comp_moves = []
blah = see_if_win("computer_turn")
if blah == None: # No way for the computer to win
for index in range(len(board_list)):
if board_list[index] == " ":
possible_comp_moves.append(index) # adds the index for each possible move
move_index = random.choice(possible_comp_moves) # randomly chooses a possible move
board_list[move_index] = comp_marker
return update_board(board_list)
return update_board(blah)
def see_if_win(mode="normal"):
a = 0
b = 1
c = 2
d = 3
e = 4
f = 5
g = 6
h = 7
i = 8
winlist = [(a,b,c), (d,e,f), (g,h,i), (a,d,g,), (b,e,h), (c,f,i), (a,e,i), (g,e,c)]
if mode == "normal":
for win_type in winlist:
if board_list[win_type[0]] == board_list[win_type[1]] == board_list[win_type[2]]:
if board_list[win_type[0]] in ["X","O"]:
return board_list[win_type[0]]
elif mode == "computer_turn":
for win_type in winlist:
if (board_list[win_type[0]] == board_list[win_type[1]]) and board_list[win_type[2]] == " " and board_list[win_type[0]] == comp_marker:
board_list[win_type[2]] = comp_marker
return board_list
elif (board_list[win_type[0]] == board_list[win_type[2]]) and board_list[win_type[1]] == " " and board_list[win_type[0]] == comp_marker:
board_list[win_type[1]] = comp_marker
return board_list
elif (board_list[win_type[1]] == board_list[win_type[2]]) and board_list[win_type[0]] == " " and board_list[win_type[1]] == comp_marker:
board_list[win_type[0]] = comp_marker
return board_list
for win_type in winlist:
if (board_list[win_type[0]] == board_list[win_type[1]]) and board_list[win_type[2]] == " " and board_list[win_type[0]] == marker:
board_list[win_type[2]] = comp_marker
return board_list
elif (board_list[win_type[0]] == board_list[win_type[2]]) and board_list[win_type[1]] == " " and board_list[win_type[0]] == marker:
board_list[win_type[1]] = comp_marker
return board_list
elif (board_list[win_type[1]] == board_list[win_type[2]]) and board_list[win_type[0]] == " " and board_list[win_type[1]] == marker:
board_list[win_type[0]] = comp_marker
return board_list
return None
#board = player_turn("X")
def get_marker():
marker=raw_input("Would you like to be X's or O's?: ")
while marker not in ["X","O","x","o"]:
marker=raw_input("Would you like to be X's or O's?: ")
print "You are", marker.upper()
if marker == "O":
comp_marker = "X"
comp_marker = "O"
return marker,comp_marker
# Create an empty board
board = update_board(board_list)
# Menu to choose game type:
# PVP = player vs player
# PVC = player vs computer
menu = \
'''Game modes
(1) - Player vs. Player
(2) - Player vs. Computer'''
print menu
game = raw_input("Choose a menu item number: ")
if game == "1":
game = "PVP"
elif game == "2":
game = "PVC"
# Part of the loops; keep playing while no one has won
win = None
if game == "PVP":
again = 1
while again == 1:
marker,comp_marker = get_marker()
turn = "player"
while win == None:
if " " not in board_list:
if turn == "player":
board = player_turn(marker)
turn = "computer"
elif turn == "computer":
board = player_turn(comp_marker)
turn = "player"
win = see_if_win()
print board
if win != None:
print "%s won!" % (win)
print "There are no more moves. DRAW!"
while again not in ["y","n"]:
again = raw_input("Would you like to play again? (y/n) ").lower()
if again == "y":
again = 1
board_list = [" ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " "]
board = update_board(board_list)
elif game == "PVC":
again = 1
while again == 1:
marker,comp_marker = get_marker()
turn = "player"
while win == None:
if " " not in board_list:
if turn == "player":
board = player_turn(marker)
turn = "computer"
elif turn == "computer":
board = comp_turn()
turn = "player"
win = see_if_win()
print board
if win != None:
print "%s won!" % (win)
print "There are no more moves. DRAW!"
while again not in ["y","n"]:
again = raw_input("Would you like to play again? (y/n) ").lower()
if again == "y":
again = 1
board_list = [" ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " "]
board = update_board(board_list)
print "I hope you enjoyed playing Tic-Tac-Toe."
Thanks! I learn a lot from your responses.