hello ive already written the scoreboard and tictactoe now i need write the GameUI.java this involves using collections framework, however in which I'm struggling in. If anyone could start me off, help me out, what so ever would be very appreciative.


So you have the Tic Tac Toe program and board done, now you just need to put it in to a GUI?

GUIs are actually a lot of fun and moderately easy to create:


Here is a good place to start from if you have the basic Java knowledge already. Good Luck! :)

What do you need the collections framework for?

to be honnest, im not too sure, but if anyone knows how to make it without it, please let me know :)

What part of your program are you struggling with? How could we tell you how to make do without something if we don't know why you'd be using it to begin with?

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