Can anybody tell me why i am getting error in the bold line.
Application uses a value of the wrong type for the current
Operation .?

Private Sub Command2_Click()
    If (CheckInput) Then
       End If
    Y = MsgBox("do you add this record", vbYesNo + vbQuestion, "message")
    If Y = vbYes Then
        Set Con = New ADODB.Connection
        Con.Open ("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Persist Security Info=False;Data Source=\\asfserver\itp$\product_tabletest.mdb")

        Dim cmd As ADODB.Command
        Set cmd = New ADODB.Command

        If Not Con Is Nothing Then
            With cmd
                .ActiveConnection = Con
                .CommandType = adCmdText
               .CommandText = "INSERT INTO supplier (supplier_name,supplier_id, contact_person, contact_no, type, office_address, emails, website ) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"
                .Parameters.Append .CreateParameter("@SupplierName", adChar, adParamInput, 20, Text2.Text)
                .Parameters.Append .CreateParameter("@SupplierID", adChar, adParamInput, 20, Text1.Text)
                .Parameters.Append .CreateParameter("@Contactperson", adChar, adParamInput, 20, Text3.Text)
                .Parameters.Append .CreateParameter("@ContactNo", adChar, adParamInput, 20, Text4.Text)
                .Parameters.Append .CreateParameter("@Type", adChar, adParamInput, 20, Combo1.Text)
     [B]           .Parameters.Append .CreateParameter("@OfficeAddr", adChar,[/B] adParamInput, 50, Text5.Text)
                .Parameters.Append .CreateParameter("@Emails", adChar, adParamInput, 20, Text6.Text)
                .Parameters.Append .CreateParameter("@Website", adChar, adParamInput, 20, Text7.Text)
            End With
            Set Con = Nothing
            MsgBox "connection not set"
            MsgBox ("Data Saved")
        End If
        End If
       End Sub

Why you need all the lengthy code
just try this

con.begintrans       'con---ADODB connection object.
con.execute "your insert statment here"

right now i am getting error no value given for one or more
required is the code what i have written

Private Sub Command2_Click()
    If (CheckInput) Then
       End If
    Y = MsgBox("do you add this record", vbYesNo + vbQuestion, "message")
    If Y = vbYes Then
        Set Con = New ADODB.Connection
        Con.Open ("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Persist Security Info=False;Data Source=\\asfserver\itp$\product_tabletest.mdb")
  [B]      Con.Execute "INSERT INTO Supplier(Supplier_name,Supplier_id,Contact_person,Contact_no,Type,Office_address,emails,website) values(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"[/B]        Con.CommitTrans
        End If
       End Sub

why you have passed all those ???? marks in place of values, while not using any parameters.
values you need to capture from textboxes and those need to be properly formatted before passing to database.

it is still not working here is the code what i have written.

Private Sub Command2_Click()
    If (CheckInput) Then
       End If
    Y = MsgBox("do you add this record", vbYesNo + vbQuestion, "message")
    If Y = vbYes Then
        Set con = New ADODB.Connection
        con.Open ("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Persist Security Info=False;Data Source=\\asfserver\itp$\product_tabletest.mdb")
        con.Execute "INSERT INTO Supplier(Supplier_id,Supplier_name,Fax_no,Contact_person,Contact_no,Type,Office_address,emails,website) values(Supplier_id,Supplier_name,Fax_no,Contact_Person,Contact_no,Type,office_address,Emails,Website)"
        End If
       End Sub

you need to frame the insert statmnet dynamicaly by passing values

can you tell me friend how should i frame .i would remain grately
appreciated to you.

try the following sample

dim sqlstmt as string

sqlstmt = "INSERT INTO Supplier(Supplier_id,Supplier_name,Fax_no,Contact_person,Contact_no,Typ,Office_address,emails,website) values(" & text1.text & ",'" & text2.text & "'," & text3.text & ",'" & text4.text & "','" & text5.text & "','" & text6.text & "','" & text7.text & "','" & text8.text & "','" & text9.text & "')"

con.Execute sqlstmt

also better change the field name Type to something more meaning ful, becuase that is a keyword.

now i have written the code what you have told me.but
still getting Invalid sql is the code what
i have written.Kindly find the attachment also.

Private Sub Command2_Click()
    If (CheckInput) Then
       End If
    Y = MsgBox("do you add this record", vbYesNo + vbQuestion, "message")
    If Y = vbYes Then
        Set con = New ADODB.Connection
        con.Open ("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Persist Security Info=False;Data Source=\\asfserver\itp$\product_tabletest.mdb")
    '   con.Execute "insert into Supplier(Supplier_id,Supplier_name,Fax_no,Contact_person,Contact_no,Type,Office_address,emails,website) values(Supplier_id,Supplier_name,Fax_no,Contact_Person,Contact_no,Type,office_address,Emails,Website)"
        SQL = "INSERT INTO Supplier(Supplier_id,Supplier_name,Fax_no,Contact_person,Contact_no,Type,Office_address,emails,website) values(" & Text1.Text & ",'" & Text2.Text & "'," & Text3.Text & ",'" & Text4.Text & "','" & Text5.Text & "','" & Typ & "','" & Text6.Text & "','" & Text7.Text & "','" & Text8.Text & "')"
        con.Execute sqlsql = "INSERT INTO Supplier(Supplier_id,Supplier_name,Fax_no,Contact_person,Contact_no,Typ,Office_address,emails,website) values(" & Text1.Text & ",'" & Text2.Text & "'," & Text3.Text & ",'" & Text4.Text & "','" & Text5.Text & "','" & Typ & "','" & Text6.Text & "','" & Text7.Text & "','" & Text8.Text & "')"
        con.Execute SQL
        End If
       End Sub

Ensure to pass text into text field and number into number field. extract number from textbox and pass to query after converting to number. else you might have to make some changes in the insert statement.

try this

Private Sub Command2_Click()
    If (CheckInput) Then
       End If
    Y = MsgBox("do you add this record", vbYesNo + vbQuestion, "message")
    If Y = vbYes Then
        Set con = New ADODB.Connection
        con.Open "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Persist Security Info=False;Data Source=\\asfserver\itp$\product_tabletest.mdb"
        SQL = "INSERT INTO Supplier(Supplier_id,Supplier_name,Fax_no,Contact_person,Contact_no,Type,Office_address,emails,website) values(" & Text1.Text & ",'" & Text2.Text & "'," & Text3.Text & ",'" & Text4.Text & "','" & Text5.Text & "','" & Text6.Text & "','" & Text7.Text & "','" & Text8.Text & "','" & Text9.Text & "')"
       con.Execute SQL
    End If
End Sub

Now i am getting error no value given for one or more required is the following code what i have written.

Private Sub Command2_Click()
    If (CheckInput) Then
       End If
    Y = MsgBox("do you add this record", vbYesNo + vbQuestion, "message")
    If Y = vbYes Then
        Set con = New ADODB.Connection
        con.Open ("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Persist Security Info=False;Data Source=\\asfserver\itp$\product_tabletest.mdb")
        SQL = "INSERT INTO Supplier(Supplier_id,Supplier_name,Fax_no,Contact_person,Contact_no,Type,Office_address,emails,website) values(" & Text1.Text & ",'" & Text2.Text & "'," & Text3.Text & ",'" & Text4.Text & "','" & Text5.Text & "','" & Typ & "','" & Text6.Text & "','" & Text7.Text & "','" & Text8.Text & "')"
       [B]con.Execute SQL[/B]
    End If
    End Sub

check my previous post and correct accordingly

before executing the sql , check the same using msgbox.

Now i am getting syntax error (missing operator in query expression). Kindly hep me .

avoid using ' (single quote) while passing values from textbox.

post the sql insert statment that you are getting.

right now i am getting error no of query value and destination fields
are not the same.when i see the value of sql stat. in immediate window i got

INSERT INTO Supplier(Supplier_id,Supplier_name,Fax_no,Contact_person,Contact_no,Type,Office_address,emails,website) values('Engineering Service',' 45647897','FIROZ AHMED ',' rah ','9322620576','003 b/wing golden nest phase v miraroad east thane 4000107','','','','93226205476')

and here is the complete code

Private Sub Command2_Click()
If (CheckInput) Then
End If
Y = MsgBox("do you add this record", vbYesNo + vbQuestion, "message")
If Y = vbYes Then
Set con = New ADODB.Connection
con.Open ("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Persist Security Info=False;Data Source=\asfserver\itp$\product_tabletest.mdb")
SQL = "INSERT INTO Supplier(Supplier_id,Supplier_name,Fax_no,Contact_person,Contact_no,Type,Office_address,emails,website) values('" & Combo1.Text & "',' " & Text1.Text & "','" & Text2.Text & " ',' " & Text3.Text & " ','" & Text4.Text & "','" & Text5.Text & "','" & Typ & "','" & Text6.Text & "','" & Text7.Text & "','" & Text8.Text & "')"
MsgBox (Text3)
con.Execute SQL
End If
End Sub

why you are passing 10 values for 9 field s ???

use the following code

SQL = "INSERT INTO Supplier(Supplier_id,Supplier_name,Fax_no,Contact_person,Contact_no,Type,Office_address,emails,website) values('" & Combo1.Text & "',' " & Text1.Text & "','" & Text2.Text & " ',' " & Text3.Text & " ','" & Text4.Text & "','" & Text5.Text &  "','" & Text6.Text & "','" & Text7.Text & "','" & Text8.Text & "')"
con.Execute SQL

Now i got error datatype mismatch in criteria is the
following code what i have written.

Private Sub Command2_Click()
    If (CheckInput) Then
       End If
    Y = MsgBox("do you add this record", vbYesNo + vbQuestion, "message")
    If Y = vbYes Then
        Set con = New ADODB.Connection
        con.Open ("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Persist Security Info=False;Data Source=\\asfserver\itp$\product_tabletest.mdb")
        SQL = "INSERT INTO Supplier(Supplier_id,Supplier_name,Fax_no,Contact_person,Contact_no,Type,Office_address,emails,website) values('" & Combo1.Text & "','" & Text1.Text & "','" & Text2.Text & " ','" & Text3.Text & "','" & Text4.Text & "','" & Text5.Text & "','" & Text6.Text & "','" & Text7.Text & "','" & Text8.Text & "')"
        [B]con.Execute SQL[/B]
        MsgBox (Text3)
        End If
    End Sub

recheck your code

rename the type field to something else more meaningful.

pass the value in proper format as per database field type.

Now i got same error datatype mismatch in criteria
is the following code what i have written.

Private Sub Command2_Click()
    If (CheckInput) Then
       End If
    Y = MsgBox("do you add this record", vbYesNo + vbQuestion, "message")
    If Y = vbYes Then
        Set con = New ADODB.Connection
        con.Open ("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Persist Security Info=False;Data Source=\\asfserver\itp$\product_tabletest.mdb")
     [B]   SQL = "INSERT INTO Supplier(Supplier_id,Supplier_name,Fax_no,Contact_person,Contact_no,Supp_Type,Office_address,Emails,website) values('" & Combo1.Text & "','" & Text1.Text & "','" & Text2.Text & "','" & Text3.Text & "','" & Text4.Text & "','" & Text5.Text & "','" & Text6.Text & "','" & Text7.Text & "','" & Text8.Text & "')"[/B]        con.Execute (SQL)
        MsgBox (Text3)
        End If
    End Sub

that simply means you need to pass data of proper type to insert statement.

My friend i am sending my database as well as form7 i have tried
so many times but still able to insert information of supplier detail
in a table. Kindly find the attachment.

check the query that is being framed at run time and try to run the same from backend directly.

ensure to pass number value only (not text) for the fields


use val(te3xtboxname)

use the following

SQL = "INSERT INTO Supplier(Supplier_ID, Supplier_name,Fax_No,Contact_person,Contact_No,Supp_Type,Office_Address,Emails,website) values(" & val(Combo1.Text) & ",'" & Text1.Text & "'," & val(Text2.Text) & ",'" & Text3.Text & "'," & val(Text4.Text) & ",'" & Text5.Text & "','" & Text6.Text & "','" & Text7.Text & "','" & Text8.Text & "')"

still getting same error when i use val it shows 0 in immediate is the code what i have written.

Private Sub Command2_Click()
    If (CheckInput) Then
       End If
    Y = MsgBox("do you add this record", vbYesNo + vbQuestion, "message")
    If Y = vbYes Then
        Set con = New ADODB.Connection
        con.Open ("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Persist Security Info=False;Data Source=\\asfserver\itp$\product_tabletest.mdb")
'       SQL = "INSERT INTO Supplier(Supplier_ID,Supplier_Name,Fax_No,Contact_person,Contact_No,Supp_Type,Office_Address,Emails,website) values('" & Combo1.Text & "','" & Text1.Text & "','" & Text2.Text & "','" & Text3.Text & "','" & Text4.Text & "','" & Text5.Text & "','" & Text6.Text & "','" & Text7.Text & "','" & Text8.Text & "')"
        SQL = "INSERT INTO Supplier(Supplier_ID, Supplier_name,Fax_No,Contact_person,Contact_No,Supp_Type,Office_Address,Emails,website) values(" & Val(Combo1.Text) & ",'" & Text1.Text & "'," & Val(Text2.Text) & ",'" & Text3.Text & "'," & Val(Text4.Text) & ",'" & Text5.Text & "','" & Text6.Text & "','" & Text7.Text & "','" & Text8.Text & "')"
        con.Execute (SQL)
        MsgBox (Text3)
        End If
    End Sub

ensure that you are passing a number for number field with out any special characters

you are getting 0 means there is something wrong with the input string through textbox or any other control

Now i am getting no data type error but getting datatype overflow
error here is the code what i have written.

Private Sub Command2_Click()
      If (CheckInput) Then
       End If
    Y = MsgBox("do you add this record", vbYesNo + vbQuestion, "message")
    If Y = vbYes Then
        Set con = New ADODB.Connection
        con.Open ("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Persist Security Info=False;Data Source=\\asfserver\itp$\product_tabletest.mdb")
'       SQL = "INSERT INTO Supplier(Supplier_ID,Supplier_Name,Fax_No,Contact_person,Contact_No,Supp_Type,Office_Address,Emails,website) values('" & Combo1.Text & "','" & Text1.Text & "','" & Text2.Text & "','" & Text3.Text & "','" & Text4.Text & "','" & Text5.Text & "','" & Text6.Text & "','" & Text7.Text & "','" & Text8.Text & "')"
'       SQL = "INSERT INTO Supplier(Supplier_ID, Supplier_name,Fax_No,Contact_person,Contact_No,Supp_Type,Office_Address,Emails,website) values(" & Val(Combo1.Text) & ",'" & Text1.Text & "'," & Val(Text2.Text) & ",'" & Text3.Text & "'," & Val(Text4.Text) & ",'" & Text5.Text & "','" & Text6.Text & "','" & Text7.Text & "','" & Text8.Text & "')"
'       con.Execute (SQL)
       SQL = "INSERT INTO Supplier(Supplier_name,Supplier_id,Contact_person,Contact_no,Supp_Type,Office_address,emails,website,Fax_no) values('" & Combo1.Text & "','" & Text1.Text & "','" & Text2.Text & " ','" & Text4.Text & "','" & Text3.Text & "','" & Text5.Text & "','" & Text6.Text & "','" & Text7.Text & "','" & Text8.Text & "')"

       MsgBox SQL

con.Execute SQL
MsgBox (Text3)

        MsgBox (Text3)
        End If
    End Sub

you need to use proper variable type and modify the fields in database table to accomodate data that you are going to pass from application.

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