Im getting an "unknown selection" error on this code. Can anyone help me. I don't know what is wrong. My two text boxes both have English selected. blankl and blanlkw have both been initialized as decimals.

if (bunitsCB.Text == "English")
                    switch (dieunitsCB.Text)
                        case "English":
                            dielTB.Text = Convert.ToString(blankl + Convert.ToDecimal(24));
                            diewTB.Text = Convert.ToString(blankw + Convert.ToDecimal(24)); break;
                        case "Metric":
                            dielTB.Text = Convert.ToString(Math.Round((blankl * Convert.ToDecimal(25.4)), 0) + Convert.ToDecimal(588));
                            diewTB.Text = Convert.ToString(Math.Round((blankw * Convert.ToDecimal(25.4)), 0) + Convert.ToDecimal(588)); break;
                            throw new Exception("Unknown selection");
                    switch (dieunitsCB.Text)
                        case "English":
                            dielTB.Text = Convert.ToString(Math.Round((blankl / Convert.ToDecimal(25.4)), 0) + Convert.ToDecimal(24));
                            diewTB.Text = Convert.ToString(Math.Round((blankw / Convert.ToDecimal(25.4)), 0) + Convert.ToDecimal(24)); break;                           
                        case "Metric":                            
                            dielTB.Text = Convert.ToString(blankl + Convert.ToDecimal(588));
                            diewTB.Text = Convert.ToString(blankw + Convert.ToDecimal(588)); break;
                            throw new Exception("Unknown selection");

What types are blankl and blankw ?
As integers, I do not get any errors, or the thrown error.

Side comment - with 18 post under your belt, you should have known enough to wrap your code in code tags.

[code] ... your code here ... [/code] at least, but for this forum, preferably [code=c#] ... [/code]

I rebuilt the solution and it worked.

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