hi guys:
I just need help in how the srl instruction works in my program. I would like to know the interpretation. Like if I input de decimal number 8, which is 1000 in binary. I would like to know how it works.
this is the code, it converts decimal to hexadecimal numbers:

la $a0, en # query user to enter a decimal number

li $v0, 4


li $v0, 5 # read in integer


add $v1, $v0, $zero

addi $s1, $zero, 28

Compute: add $t0, $zero, $v1 # move the decimal to a temp register

srl $s2, $t0, $s1

andi $s2, $s2, 15

addi $s1, $s1, -4

slti $t3, $s2, 10

bne $t3, $zero, L1 # $t3<10, branch to L1

addi $a0, $s2, 55 # add 55 to gain ascii value of the letter

PRINT: la $v0, 11 #print the ascii value


#We need to loop through the rest of the bits until we have read through entire number

slt $t4, $s1, $zero

beq $t4, $zero, Compute


L1: addi $a0, $s2, 48


EXIT: li $v0, 10

syscall # end the program

SRL (Shift Right Logical). This instruction shifts all the bits to the right from a given number of positions. For example, if I do SRL on 0011100 with 3 positions, the result will be 0000011.

You should see the documentation of the processor you use to know if the shifted bits are returned or other details like that.

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