I'm writing a FTp client . It is able to handle 1 server at a time . But my requirement is to handle multiple server at same time . The Server shd be accessed and file upload download shd happen parallely.

PLease help me .. If possible send some link for tutorial purpose..

Thank u in advance ..

I'm writing a FTp client . It is able to handle 1 server at a time . But my requirement is to handle multiple server at same time . The Server shd be accessed and file upload download shd happen parallely.

PLease help me .. If possible send some link for tutorial purpose..

Thank u in advance ..

Write the ftp client as a class...
After that u can create object to that ftp client...

By creating objects according to ur need u can do it parallely ....

Thanks ..

I am having some problem with the coding .. I am uploading the code .. please take a look at this and solve the problems ..

The document from where i've taken this is also included...

no body there to help me out?????????????????????

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