I have a small problem. I'm curious to see why this happens. If you run this code and enter the data, I put in a debug line. Inside the 'if (grade2>grade) block, the DEBUG printf's don't show the data correctly.
Outside the if block, I print pretty much the same line. It shows it correctly on that line.
Anyone know why? I'm learning a lot about c as I go. Thanks!
int main(void)
char fi='a';
char li='a';
double grade=0;
int z=0;
int t=4;
printf("Entered %d students in Class \n",t);
for (z=0;z<t;z++)
printf("Enter student %d's data. Ex:BM100 (Bob Marley has a 100) :: ",(z+1));
char fi2='a';
char li2='a';
double grade2=0;
if (grade2>grade)
printf("DEBUG-CHANGE! ADDED %d BY '%c' '%c' as highest grade!\n",grade,fi,li);
printf("DEBUG-CHANGE2! ADDED %d BY %c %c as highest grade!\n",grade2,fi2,li2);
printf("DEBUG-STUDENT %d DATA:: NAME:%c%c GRADE:%d",z,fi2,li2,grade2);
return 0;