Following are my prototype definitions:

int fillArray (double commission[], int salesID[], int employeeCode[], int numUnits[], double numDollars[]) ;
void printReport (ofstream& fout, double commission[], int salesID[], int employeeCode[], int numUnits[], double numDollars[]);
void printHeader (ofstream& fout);

The two void functions are the one's that I'm getting errors on
following are my function calls: ( which is where the errors are)

void printHeader (fout);
void printReport (fout,commission,  salesID,  employeeCode, numUnits,  numDollars, n);

commision, salesID, etc are arrays (obv) and fout is a ofstream. I can post the functions if need be but basically all printheader does is column headers, no variables or arrays or anything, and all printreport does is print all the arrays. I keep getting the following errors: error: variable or field ‘printHeader’ declared void error: invalid conversion from ‘void*’ to ‘int’ error: variable or field ‘printReport’ declared void error: initializer expression list treated as compound expression

oh and the two lines the errors are in (137 and 138) are my functions calls

Don't put the keyword "void" in front of the function calls. Just use the function name.

printHeader (fout);
printReport (fout,commission,  salesID,  employeeCode, numUnits,  numDollars, n);

Also, organize your data into structs (if you are able/allowed).

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