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Member Avatar for Nikhar

You put a backslash in front of the special character (the double-quote or the other backslash) in order to remove its specialness and simply display it as is. Try this: [icode]cout << "\"\\n\"" << '\n';[/icode]

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for OmniX
Member Avatar for homeryansta

You do not have enough disk space to save the pre-compiled headers (PCH file). Delete some files and try again. It is beside the point that your other files compiled nicely. This problem has nothing to do with your code.

Member Avatar for Syed Zuman
Member Avatar for veronicak5678

Or do it in one step: [code] For each char in str: If it's a space: * Remember that you saw a space, but don't copy it to the output string. Else (if it's not a space): * If it's not leading space: * Copy a space to the output …

Member Avatar for bridgett.grace
Member Avatar for lara_

Narue: "Posers should know their limits." You say it's rude to resurrect old threads but you're rude whenever you feel like it. One of the rules of this forum is "keep it pleasant". You are not following that rule. It's sad how a relatively simple skill like programming can go …

Member Avatar for nootan.ghimire_1
Member Avatar for mariners95

You only need to loop through less-than-half of the matrix since in each execution of the inner loop you're swapping two elements (and the main diagonal stays put). If you iterated through the whole matrix, you'd just put it back the way it started. Starting j at i+1 loops through …

Member Avatar for johnnew
Member Avatar for UGndLord

wherex, wherey, gotoxy are all Borland extensions. (Do Borland compilers still support them?) You can learn how to do it using the OS functions directly yourself.

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for moshe12007

[QUOTE=moshe12007;807837]I read 3 c++ books on dos[/QUOTE] Now that you're a DOS expert, the world is your oyster!

Member Avatar for mrnutty
Member Avatar for 2008macedonkon3

They are all "floating point" types. "double" is basically short for "double float" (but you can't say that). A float is usually 32 bits long whereas a double is 64 bits. A long double can be anywhere from 64 (same as double) to 128 bits. I hear "C++ from the …

Member Avatar for Kanoisa
Member Avatar for respondto

Programmers do not use "word wrap". Try hitting "Enter" once in a while.

Member Avatar for NathanOliver
Member Avatar for scrypt3r

Here's one way to find the PID from the exe filename. [code] #include <windows.h> #include <tlhelp32.h> DWORD PID_from_EXE (char *exe_name) { DWORD ret = 0; PROCESSENTRY32 pe32 = {sizeof (PROCESSENTRY32)}; HANDLE hProcSnap = CreateToolhelp32Snapshot (TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS, 0); if (hProcSnap == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return 0; if (Process32First (hProcSnap, &pe32)) do if (!strcmp (pe32.szExeFile, …

Member Avatar for anjana.ananth
Member Avatar for xonxon

There would seem to be method in such madness. But, as Narue said, you cannot entirely solve the tree without an inorder traversal as well. The problem should be solved recursively, as you might expect. [code] pre: C B A E D F H post: A B D H F …

Member Avatar for mrnutty
Member Avatar for beanryu

Do you just mean something like this? [code] test: [i]dependencies[/i] gcc prog1.c -o prog1 gcc prog2.c -o prog2 [/code]

Member Avatar for er_mv
Member Avatar for tones1986

Someone might actually look at your code if you post it as a single zip file. Edit your previous post if possible.

Member Avatar for Vincenttalent
Member Avatar for user98

The code looks reasonable, except that "and"ing with 0x0fff and 0xffff does nothing in this situation (assuming 16-bit shorts). Removing those will change nothing, however. I would check the "answer" you've been given before going any further. Your code may be just fine. As for test_crc, there is no reason …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for jupkw

Can you install a newer version of the TurboC compiler? Or can you switch to a better IDE/compiler like MSVC++ or Codeblocks?

Member Avatar for vj4u99
Member Avatar for kelechi96

When Knuth talks about random numbers he mentions a CD of random numbers called "Black and White Noise" which is a mixture of deterministically sampled rap music combined with white noise.

Member Avatar for jephthah
Member Avatar for kbmmartin

sid> Just check what would happened if delete would reset the pointer to zero: Nothing would happen! Are you a mindless idiot? Did your brain fall out? Did you replace it with a turd you found on the ground? delete does nothing if it's passed a zero pointer! Moron! I …

Member Avatar for siddhant3s
Member Avatar for Duki

The whole point of prefix notation is to represent the formula in such a way as to eliminate the complications of precedence and association. To reinstate these complications is sidiotic. I feel the most likely case here is that you are misunderstanding the assignment. It makes perfect sense to process …

Member Avatar for Duki
Member Avatar for drjay1627

I don't understand the question. Perhaps if you describe what you are trying to do. In general, people seem to be overusing strtok. Often it's not the way to go. Your's looks like a job for sscanf or fscanf, but it is hard to tell without more info.

Member Avatar for drjay1627
Member Avatar for claydo

main must return int (not void). You are missing a closing brace. "five" is a strange name. datum is spelled with a u. See comments in program. [code] #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <vector> using namespace std; struct five { float column1, column2; }; // Does not need to be …

Member Avatar for claydo
Member Avatar for BruenorBH

ThreadTime does not have access to hWndDlg. You need to either make it global (DlgProc would set the global var in WM_INITDIALOG)or pass it as a parameter to ThreadTime.

Member Avatar for BruenorBH
Member Avatar for ELewis08

This: [icode]void FindcarVin(int , string , string, int , int );[/icode] is not the same as this: [icode]void FindcarVin ( int vinnums[], string brandnames[], string modelnames[], int yearnums[], int specnum )[/icode] See the difference? It's always best to copy the definition's signature, both to ensure the prototype is the same …

Member Avatar for ELewis08
Member Avatar for kaseem724

Instead of a bunch of parallel arrays like this: [code] int vin[SIZE]; string brand[SIZE]; string model[SIZE]; int year[SIZE]; int mileage[SIZE]; double mpg[SIZE]; [/code] try a single array of structs like this: [code] struct Car { int vin; string brand; //etc. }; Car car[SIZE]; [/code] And all your function signatures become: …

Member Avatar for nucleon
Member Avatar for EMUGOD

> the lack of any apparent connection makes me think i'm initiating > something else (one of the libraries or something from the OS) > that has a run-time error Although possible, you should consider this as a last resort. Otherwise it will dull your mind to the more likely …

Member Avatar for EMUGOD
Member Avatar for hurbano

Minimally you must handle single quotes, double quotes, single-line comments, and multi-line comments, since, as ArkM has pointed out, these constructs may contain parens (etc.) which you will want to ignore.

Member Avatar for nucleon
Member Avatar for paolomontero

The best solution is always the simplest one that does the trick. So, since you're only instantiating it with one type (i.e., a Comparable and it's derivatives), you don't need a template. That's what JohnA was saying. [code] class Comparable { public: virtual int compare( const Comparable& c ) const …

Member Avatar for paolomontero
Member Avatar for xVent

So you're saying that if you take the exact same exe and config file that works on your machine and transfer it to your friend's machine, it doesn't work? Does he have the exact same OS as you? Has he installed your program in the same way as you have?

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for niku4u

Such flat, lifeless code. Why? No code tags! ;) You're reading over and over to the same part of the buffer (and zeroing it before every read). Move the zeroing (if necessary) outside the loop, and either move along the buffer (read into buffer+size) or do the file operations on …

Member Avatar for niku4u
Member Avatar for Valaraukar

You need to declare your object array like this: [code] typedef struct Object3D { int** facets; float** vertices; int nFacets; int nVertices; } Object3D; Object3D *object; // Object array int numObjects; // Number of objects in object array [/code] And the object array is accessed like this: [icode]object[nObj].nFacets[/icode] At this …

Member Avatar for Valaraukar

The End.