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Well im a self taught programmer who stumbled upon programming at Uni in second semester on my 2nd year(07/08). Since then iv bought 13 programming books and completed well ,... 1 of them. But iv worked through a good amount of the rest just have to…

Umm ,... well as simple as it may seem my main interests are Alcohol (social drinking i think its called…
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Core i5 quad 2.8ghz 4gb ram, 120gb ssd, HD6770 GPU

129 Posted Topics

Member Avatar for Suzie999

Hi, it was about 3 years ago now, but i used a combination of getifaddrs and SO_BINDTODEVICE to force udp traffic through a specific NIC ignoring the routing table. i was working with embedded linux 2.6.32 but i believe there is similar functionality on windows, bsd and mac as well …

Member Avatar for Kanoisa
Member Avatar for Kanoisa

Recently i have come up with the scenario where i need a single class to handle a few different interfaces and i have found a few different approaches to take. I was wondering if anyone has encountered the same situation and can give me any suggestion(s) as to if there …

Member Avatar for Kanoisa
Member Avatar for CodeWarrior14

Hi, I would make the following suggestions to help you out. Garbage data - `char buffer[MAX_BUFFER_LEN];` gives you uninitialised memory - it could contain anything. so using strlen on it is not reliable, fread will not null terminate the string for you and you risk running off the end of …

Member Avatar for Dervish1
Member Avatar for Wajed

Hi Wajed To answer your questions: "WSADATA is info, but what info is it specifically?" For Windows API methods your first port of call will often be MSDN. Heres the MSDN on WSAStartup which explains the WSADATA struct. [MSDN: WSAStartup function]( "What is the differenece between initiating WS2_32.dll and SOCKET?" …

Member Avatar for Kanoisa
Member Avatar for bops

Hey i was also suffering that problem when i came upon your thread, and i found however , when out of nowhere my brain said why did this work yesterday and not today, the answer is i had started a windows project today instead of a console application and that …

Member Avatar for muhammad raees
Member Avatar for mixelplik

Hi, I have a solution for you, the issue is that you are trying to detect the first row and do something on that. i find that its easier to detect the end of the row and insert a new line there. I have fully commented my code so check …

Member Avatar for L7Sqr
Member Avatar for skyyadav

Hi, so i tried a small test on my machine, i compiled the following code #include <string> #include <iostream> int main( void ) { std::string s("56"); std::cout << "As string: " << s << " As int " << std::stoi(s) << std::endl; return 0; } Im using Ubuntu 12.04lts so …

Member Avatar for Kanoisa
Member Avatar for waqas.zafar.125

Hi, I would suggest making a function for this task, its job would be to do the n*n read from the file. The function would prototype something like `int read_matrix_ints_from_file( ifstream& fstream, int** outputMatrix, size_t rows, size_t cols ); ` Notes: - size_t is just an unsigned integer type that …

Member Avatar for Kanoisa
Member Avatar for sirlink99

Hi, as you are working with files and external devices i would suggest you use flush on your writing stream .This should force data to be written from any memory buffers to the file. However i could not say for sure because of the nature of usb / flash …

Member Avatar for sirlink99
Member Avatar for Kanoisa

Hi all, I have a problem with trying to call a protected base class function from an inherited class. I have done some research and from what i can gather what i am trying to do is simply not permitted by the standard. The error i get when trying to …

Member Avatar for mike_2000_17
Member Avatar for coutnoob

The task you have seems quite unusual. with regards to > 2 constructors (the one has as variables the number and each length (how is that possible), There a few options for this as the constructor will need a different number of arguments for each polygon type. One option is …

Member Avatar for Kanoisa
Member Avatar for haven_u

Pop a headder struct at the top of the file which is of sixed size. It would contain file size data. i would suggest a struct something like. struct MatrixFileHeadderInfoVer1_st { int m_nVersion; //file headder version int m_nMatrixColumns; int m_nMatricRows; }; With something like you can later update the file …

Member Avatar for adityatandon
Member Avatar for Labdabeta

Hi if your free to use any IDE then have you tried Eclipse CDT, its very much like code blocks, built in GCC with GDB debugger, can also be used to compile Java, GWT web applications and more. I used CodeBlocks a while ago i dont recall having any issues …

Member Avatar for Goemon
Member Avatar for markrodriguez0

Firstly please use code tags, it makes your code easier to read. For your problem you really have the first part done, try making a second function that will parse words from your sentance using the space delimiter. And for each word decide what to do with it. as each …

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for Kanoisa

Hi all, I have started finding lots of uses for abstract classes to define interfaces for common functionality using polymorphism and i know that using polymorphism and virtual functions incurrs some additional call cost of functions. So what im wondering is can i get the best of both worlds? consider …

Member Avatar for Kanoisa
Member Avatar for franmaez_0716

[icode]#include <irrKlang.h>[/icode] should be [icode]#include "irrKlang.h"[/icode] ?? if the file lives in your project not in CC it should almost definatley be in quotes instead of angle brackets.

Member Avatar for franmaez_0716
Member Avatar for ruval002

[quote=ruval002] the problem is that my sort function takes forever[/quote] Have you checked the logic of your sort function to make sure it does not result in an infinate loop? For a sort function to take "forever" you would need a very large amount of data or there is a …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for KRUX17

If im reading your code correctly, you are adding to the file first a string then an int. So when you read back from the file you are writing a string into an int and im not 100% sure how iostreams handle that. Try just outputting the int to the …

Member Avatar for KRUX17
Member Avatar for SCass2010

Really im not entirely sure why you want to do this, but one method available for this is polymorphism. But it is meant to provide a common functionality and hide the details of how / by whom the work is handled.

Member Avatar for SCass2010
Member Avatar for Ahmed2

You have a global variable named t, and a variable t in your for loop, inside the [icode]FileOutput()[/icode] function the loop counter variable t is referred to as a (its name inside the function as you specified) so when you do [icode]cout<<t<<totallength<<endl;[/icode] you are using the global value t which …

Member Avatar for Ahmed2
Member Avatar for yongj

When you get to threadding and that area consider looking at boost, its a c++ library that provides os independant threadding and control structures( support for, windows, and *nix, i think more but i havent looked extensively ) .It is supported on may architectures from desktop (x86/64) to arm-cortexA8 and …

Member Avatar for Kanoisa
Member Avatar for ruval002

An idea that may be viable for you is to define operator overload for > operator for your element type and use STL sorting routines? STL offers most of the popular sorting routines. see [URL=""][/URL] for help

Member Avatar for Kanoisa
Member Avatar for danymota19

So, you have tried what exactly? Whats the question? we arn't going to write your code for you

Member Avatar for Kanoisa
Member Avatar for C++ programmer

In addition, as AD pointed out win32 is a very daunting topic, But let me give you a flip side, Why should you not learn win32? I would say the biggest argument against win32 is (excluding *nix and mac crazies) that your restricting yourself to one operating system albeit practially …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for karmstrong

Ok this isnt exactly what you want but i think you may be stepping to far to fast. What i find helps this kind of problem is to draw on paper 4 boxes in a row, make them your pretend elements. Then draw your class as a box at the …

Member Avatar for karmstrong
Member Avatar for KazenoZ

Hi, i just thought id try with visual studio for you and it works just fine. my code is as follows [code] #include <cstdlib> #include <iostream> using std::cout; using std::endl; using std::cin; int main(int argc, char** argv) { if(argc<2) { cout<<"Usage: "<<argv[0]<<" string"<<endl; return -1; } char* location = new …

Member Avatar for Shimano
Member Avatar for Kanoisa

Hi all, This is quite a specific question with a relatively large amount of explaining so ill try to make it really short to try save peoples time. In a nutshell what i have is a large csv file and im trying to search a particular entry (line in the …

Member Avatar for Kanoisa
Member Avatar for FEC

Ok So the above posts are giving the right idea's kindof i think :P For what i would consider a easier explination try the following. An abstract class can not be created as an object, its purpose is to create an API or interface to a collection of objects who …

Member Avatar for Kanoisa
Member Avatar for crapgarden

Hi, if Rashakil's explination is beyond you, you can use a typecast to treat your enum as say an integer. whilst it looks a bit uglier and can down the line cause subtle problems. But if you dont want to or dont understand how to write an overloaded operator you …

Member Avatar for ashishseo
Member Avatar for arsalanghouri

I think to help you we would need to see your project to see how you are stroing the data and things, it would really help. At the moment we know you have something that makes a soduko game~(or at least i think thats what you have from what you …

Member Avatar for arsalanghouri

The End.