I need to implement graphics in c++.what IDE should I use and what are the library files required for it?
Note-I have just a week time so please tell some suitable way by which I can learn.

This depends on what you mean by graphics. OpenGL/GLUT since GLUT makes it very easy to use graphics without knowing anything about OpenGL.

You need to be much more specific about your requirements before anyone can even begin to help you. Since you only have 1 week, you're going to have to be conservative about your goals, as some of these libraries take months to learn.

As regards to which IDE you need? that very much depends on as mentioned above what you hope to achieve, and what OS you use, If you want full 3D graphics then you are most likely looking at openGL DirectX or SDL and if you are talking about user IF ie a GUI app then you will likely use QT, WXwidgets or similar.

If you are running windows then the VSExpress IDE's can accommodate for any of the above OpenGL and Direct X Come in the system but you need an SDK for DirectX as far as i'm aware. If you are using *nix then i would think that Code::Blocks or EclipseCDT would be a weapon of choice.

As jonsca and sfuo have already mentioned however we do need a clear description of what you know and wish to achieve to better advise you.

As far as description goes, I need to implement a network router and graphics do not have to be 3D.Simple and easy to learn graphics is needed to show nodes of graph and simulation of packets across a link.
KIndly help.

For that then i would say WXwidgets or QT. Both have good examples and are cross platform, I personally use WXwidgets but i have been told that QT becomes more manageable for larger projects. Both support GUI with embedded openGL rendering windows. this could be what you are looking for try a google search of them and look at some examples to see which you like the look of best and which feels right to you.

I was able to grasp the basics of WXwidgets by going through the tutorials in a few hours and playing with the code to see how changing various things changed the application.

As far as description goes, I need to implement a network router and graphics do not have to be 3D.Simple and easy to learn graphics is needed to show nodes of graph and simulation of packets across a link.
KIndly help.

Any reason you can't use nam (with ns-2)?

What would be the suitable IDE for WXwidgets???VS or Turbo c++ ??

I used VS 2008. I have no experience of turbo C++ so i cant say if its any good or not but i would think that any IDE will be able to hook up to WXwidgets as its just a collection of libraries.

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