hello every1.....

i need ur help........im looking 4 a program which uploads a picture of the galaxy....then detects and counts the total number of stars in it.......can any 1 help me with this........

its really urgent.......its my assignment n i need to submitt it very soon........
waiting 4 ur replies........

Just hack your way into the Hubble-telescope and take some pics. The rest should be easy.

Start here

commented: Best link possible for this thread :D +29

hello every1.....
i need ur help........im looking 4 a program which uploads a picture of the galaxy....then detects and counts the total number of stars in it.......can any 1 help me with this........

its really urgent.......its my assignment n i need to submitt it very soon........
waiting 4 ur replies........

I have never seen pictures with number of pixels >= number of stars in the smallest galaxy ;)...
Look at the specification approved date... Is it 1.04.2009?..

How much time did you say you have ??? Here is one such software that took 15 years to develop.

i have 2 weeks to submitt the assignment..........

I don't know if the following image will show up, but you could maybe write something to guesstimate the number of galaxies in this little picture, but certainly not the number of start in a galaxy. You should check the assignment specs.

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