Hey all. I have worked with a project to create a basic student database/registration system for the past 4-5 projects... slowly adding more functionality or using different containers and classes etc.
For this next project, i am to use the code from a website online which contains all the nescessary code for an AVL tree. With using this, i created a new class in my code, called StudentGrade.
The idea is to read in from a text file, with multiple students, insert the data into a linked list of the student data (name, ID, DOB, gender) and a list of their classes taken.
There is multiple files with this project, so it may look like a right pain the butt, but please give it a try, i would REALLY appreciate the help and advice on this one.
If you have any questions about the way in which the program should work, then please post and i will get back to you asap.
Thanks a ton