I need help with the code below. At root->removeChild(nodeToRemove), I have a NOT_FOUND_ERR code. It is not supposed to return this code, because I look in the DOM Tree with IsInDocument.

Can someone tell me what's wrong with this code. I'm becoming blind with this code.

DOMNode* nodeToRemove;
if ((nodeToRemove = IsInDocument(root, *it)) != 0)
	if (nodeToRemove->isEqualNode(root))
		root = 0;
DOMNode* IsInDocument(DOMNode* node, DOMNode* toFind)
	if (node->isEqualNode(toFind))
		return node;
		node = node->getFirstChild();
		while (node != 0)
			DOMNode* retval;
			if ((retval = IsInDocument(node, toFind)) != 0)
				return retval;
			node = node->getNextSibling();				
		return 0;

When I debug, this is where an exception is thrown.

if (castToNodeImpl(this)->isReadOnly())
        throw DOMException(
        DOMException::NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR, 0, GetDOMParentNodeMemoryManager);

    if (oldChild == 0 || oldChild->getParentNode() != castToNode(this))
        throw DOMException(DOMException::NOT_FOUND_ERR, 0, GetDOMParentNodeMemoryManager);

    if (this->getOwnerDocument() !=  0  ) {
        //notify iterators
        NodeIterators* nodeIterators = ((DOMDocumentImpl *)this->getOwnerDocument())->getNodeIterators();
        if (nodeIterators != 0) {
            XMLSize_t sz = nodeIterators->size();
            if (sz != 0) {
                for (XMLSize_t i =0; i<sz; i++) {
                    if (nodeIterators->elementAt(i) != 0)

Ok, I have found the error. removeChild is not a recursive function. Sorry for this self-solved thread.

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