what's wrong with the code, it doesn's display the data based on the SQL query:
Private Sub cmdSearch_Click()
On Error GoTo Notfound
squery = "": squery = "Select * from tblStation where Station like " & txtStation.Text & ""
Call ExecuteCommand
With Me
.txtStation = rs!Station
.cboCluster = rs!Cluster
.txtArea = rs!Area
.txtTelephone = rs!Telephone
.txtIPphone = rs!IPphone
.txtFax = rs!Fax
.txtManager = rs!Manager
End With
but with Field defined as Number in the database, it's so easy to search, it displays immediately, but what's wrong with the field defined as TEXT?
i've also tried operator LIKE, IN etc.., but no output.
any suggestions, thank you very much..