Hello! I'm new here and I'm trying to make a craps game as a project. When i get to a certain function where the player rolls and makes a point, then has to match that roll, I keep getting stuck in a loop. I'll paste the function that this takes place in. Any and all help would be greatly appreciated!

void TallyRoll (int roll)
	int point,
		nextpoint = 0,

	if ((roll == 7) || (roll == 11))
		cout << "wins!";
	else if ((roll == 2) || (roll == 3) || (roll == 12))
		cout << "loses!";
		point = roll;
		cout << "The point is " << point << endl;
			nextpoint = DrawNum (MAX) + DrawNum (MAX);
			cout << "Rolled " << nextpoint << endl;
			cout << "Re-roll until matches " << point << endl;

		} while ((point != nextpoint) || (7 != nextpoint));		

its probabably that while statement. when point == nextpost, when does nexpoint == 7? Lets say nextpoint == 2. The loop will become infinite because 7 != nextpoint is always true.

You were absolutely right. Fixed now, thank you very much.

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