Hey Guys,
I was wondering could someone point me in the right direction.
Getting an error: SqlDateTime overflow. Must be between 1/1/1753 12:00:00 AM and 12/31/9999 11:59:59 PM.
What my code is doing is checking for the earliest date in one table(tblBookedTimes) and assigning this to earlydatestart.
Then I want to update table Galway_storage with this variable.
But I keep getting the error despite both fields in both tables being type smalldatetime.
Heres the code.
msdb247TableAdapters.tblBookedTimesTableAdapter BookedTimesAdapter = new msdb247TableAdapters.tblBookedTimesTableAdapter();
msdb247.tblBookedTimesDataTable BookedTimes = BookedTimesAdapter.GetData();
foreach (msdb247.tblBookedTimesRow tblBookedTimes in BookedTimes)
if (tblBookedTimes.CellID == cellid && tblBookedTimes.warehouse == warehouseid)
if (earlydatestart < tblBookedTimes.Booked_Start && tblBookedTimes.Booked_Start != null)//to display the earliest date and its end date in the gui
[B]earlydatestart =Convert.ToDateTime(tblBookedTimes.Booked_Start);[/B]
earlydateend = Convert.ToDateTime(tblBookedTimes.Booked_End);
msdb247TableAdapters.Galway_storageTableAdapter Galway_storageAdapter = new msdb247TableAdapters.Galway_storageTableAdapter();
msdb247.Galway_storageDataTable Galway_storagead = Galway_storageAdapter.GetData();
foreach (msdb247.Galway_storageRow Galway_storage in Galway_storagead)
if (Galway_storage.CellID == cellid && Galway_storage.warehouse == warehouseid)
[B]Galway_storage.Booked_Start = earlydatestart;[/B]
Galway_storage.Boooked_end = earlydateend;
Galway_storage.Item_ID = itemid;
fullbool = Galway_storage.Full_Bool;
Galway_storage.Booked = booked;
Galway_storage.Full_Bool = fullbool;
This has been wrecking my head for the last hour so any help would be greatly appreciated!