Hey there :)
I am currently creating a program for my mums business.
I have a .mdb access data base with member details.
In the screen above, i want to type the ID number into the text box, click search and their data to be filled into the text boxes.
I have got somewhere, but i cant seem to get it to fill the information i want. When i click, the first record is filled. If i put a different ID number, the first record still fills.
This is my code
Private Sub btnsearch_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnsearch.Click
Dim index As String
index = txtid.Text
BindingContext(ChildID1, "members").Position = index
lblfirst1.DataBindings.Add("TEXT", ChildID1, "members.First name")
lbllast1.DataBindings.Add("TEXT", ChildID1, "members.Last name")
lbldate1.DataBindings.Add("TEXT", ChildID1, "members.DOB")
lblpost1.DataBindings.Add("TEXT", ChildID1, "members.Post Code")
lbltelephone1.DataBindings.Add("TEXT", ChildID1, "members.Phone")
lblid1.DataBindings.Add("TEXT", ChildID1, "members.ID")
btnadmit.Enabled = True
btnadmit2.Enabled = True
btnsearch.Enabled = False
End Sub
Any ideas how i can get it to work, sorry if this doesn't make sense :D