Can someone please take a look at my code to ensure there aren't any memory leaks or (array) overrides or anything else which could be a bad practice in my code ...

Here's my code:

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

template <typename T>
void create2DMatrix(int rows, int cols, T **&matrix);
template <typename T>
void destroy2DMatrix(int rows, T **&matrix);

int main()
	double ** test; /* Needed for our Dynamic 2D Matrix */
	create2DMatrix(2, 1, test); /* Create a 2D Matrix */
	test[0][0] = 23.59; /* Put some data in the Matrix */
	cout << test[0][0] << endl; /* Print the data on the screen */
	destroy2DMatrix(2, test); /* Clean up (destroy our 2D Matrix) */
	return 0; /* Exit the program ... */
template <typename T>
void create2DMatrix(int rows, int cols, T **&matrix)
	/* Create a 2D Dynamic Array / Matrix */
	matrix = new T * [rows];
	for(int i = 0; i < rows; i++)
		matrix[i] = new T[cols];
template <typename T>
void destroy2DMatrix(int rows, T **&matrix)
	/* Destroy a 2D Dynamic Array / Matrix */
	for(int i = 0; i < rows; i++)
		delete[] matrix[i];
	delete[] matrix;

Thanks in advance !

Bad practice wanted? That's bad practice:
1. C-style 2D array allocation/deallocation functions instead of complete 2D array class with full set of operations.
2. Explicit row parameter in destroy2DMatrix: an erron-prone and inconvenient method.
3. Template function definitions after calls: most of C++ compilers can't process this code.
4. 2D matrix... A matrix is a 2D (2D only) array with specific operators - by matrix definition...

Bad practice wanted? That's bad practice:
1. C-style 2D array allocation/deallocation functions instead of complete 2D array class with full set of operations.
2. Explicit row parameter in destroy2DMatrix: an erron-prone and inconvenient method.
3. Template function definitions after calls: most of C++ compilers can't process this code.
4. 2D matrix... A matrix is a 2D (2D only) array with specific operators - by matrix definition...

Can you suggest me a better method to do this ?

Search Google (or what else) for C++ class matrix.
That's a simple improvisation on the topic (in the public domain;)):

/// @file matrix.h:
struct MatrixError {
    const char* what() const { return "Matrix failure"; }
/// Incomplete and ineffective but simple
/// number matrix implementation (it works;)
template <typename T>
class Matrix
    Matrix(size_t m, size_t n, const T& ival = 0) {
        std::vector<T> irow(n,ival);
    virtual ~Matrix() {}

    size_t rows() const { return vRows.size(); }
    size_t cols() const {
        return rows()?vRows[0].size():0;
    std::vector<T>& operator[](size_t i) { return vRows[i]; }
    const std::vector<T>& operator[](size_t i) const {
        return vRows[i];
    Matrix& operator =(const T& val);
    Matrix& operator +=(const Matrix& m);
    bool operator ==(const Matrix& m) const;
    bool operator !=(const Matrix& m) const {
        return !(*this == m);
    void checkDims(const Matrix& m) const {
        if (rows() != m.rows() || cols() != m.cols())
            throw MatrixError();
    std::vector<std::vector<T> > vRows; 
template<typename T>
Matrix<T>& Matrix<T>::operator=(const T& val)
    for (size_t i = 0, m = cols(); i < rows(); ++i)
    return *this;
template<typename T>
Matrix<T>& Matrix<T>::operator +=(const Matrix& m) 
    for (size_t i = 0; i < rows(); ++i)
    for (size_t j = 0; j < cols(); ++j)
        vRows[i][j] += m[i][j];
    return *this; 
template<typename T>
bool Matrix<T>::operator ==(const Matrix& m) const
    try { // MatrixError handling example
        for (size_t i = 0; i < rows(); ++i)
        for (size_t j = 0; j < cols(); ++j)
            if (vRows[i][j] != m[i][j])
                return false;
    catch(MatrixError&) {
        return false;
    return true;
/// Some sugar...
template<typename T>
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Matrix<T>& m)
    for (size_t i = 0; i < m.rows(); ++i) {
        for (size_t j = 0; j < m.cols(); ++j) {
            if (j) os << ' ';
            os << m[i][j];
        os << '\n';
    return os;
/// End of matrix.h...

using std::cout;
using std::endl;

int main()
    Matrix<double> m(2,2);
    m = 2009;
    cout << m << endl;

    Matrix<double> one(2,2,1);
    cout << one << endl;
    m += one;
    cout << m << endl;

    cout << "m == one\? " << (m==one?"Sure":"Nope") << endl;

	return 0;

And what if I implement my own matrix class?

Is it also good if I do the following:
1) Class 'array' (a simple vector):
-> Array is a class which holds a simple 1-dimensional array and the number of elements in the array (in the private section)
-> Overload the '[]' and '=' operators ...

2) Create a class 'matrix' in which I hold the class 'array' ...
-> In this class we create a table of objects from the class 'array'

P.S.: Sorry if my English is bad ...

Hi, I found some (useful:?:) information about 2D-Arrays ...

Actually this is what I need, but could you please take a look at it to ensure the programming style is correct ?
(According to that article my code was right
(except for : Explicit row parameter in destroy2DMatrix: an erron-prone and inconvenient method. , which I absolutely agree with !), or am I wrong ?)

This code (which I took from the link in my previous post) raises some questions:

class Array2D
       Array2D( size_t rows, size_t cols )
       : iData( new int[rows*cols] )
       , iRows( rows )
       , iCols( cols )

     // Add copy and assignment etc.

         delete [] iData;

     int * operator[]( size_t row )
         return iData+iCols*row;

       int *   iData;
       size_t  iRows;
       size_t  iCols;

I can't seem to figure out what the following means:

Array2D( size_t rows, size_t cols )
: iData( new int[rows*cols] )
       , iRows( rows )
       , iCols( cols )

It's class Array2D constructor with ctor-initializer. I hope you can see that it's initial member values definition.

It's class Array2D constructor with ctor-initializer. I hope you can see that it's initial member values definition.

Did you mean constructor with 'ctor' ?

OK, thank you very much for all your help, time, and useful advices ...

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