I have been up for 24+ hrs, and am failing to see where I'm getting these junk numbers from?
I know it's staring me right in the face, I just can't see it for the life of me!!
Keep in mind this code is ugly and may make your eyes bleed, I just have a very sloppy style at the moment.

// Week4Lab_RyanRodgers.cpp : main project file.

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

class Time
	Time(int hour, int minute); //constructor w/ parameters
	Time(); //default constructor
	void setTime(int hour, int minute);
	void getTime(int&, int&);
	void printTime();

	int hr, min; //declare hour & min

class Date
	Date(int month, int day, int year);
	void getDate(int&mm, int&dd, int&yy);
	void setDate(int month = 0, int day = 0, int year = 0);
	void printDate();
	int month;
	int day;
	int year;

class Event
	void setEventData(string eventName, int hour, int minute, int month, int day, int year);
	void printEventData();
	Event (string eventName = "", int hour = 0, int minute = 0, int month = 0, int day = 0, int year = 1900); //constructor
	string eventName; 
	Date eventDate; //date object
	Time eventTime; //event object composed of time object

Time::Time() { int hour = 0,minute = 0; }
Time::Time(int hour, int minute) { hour = hr; minute = min; }
void Time::getTime(int &hour, int &minute){ hr = hour; min = minute; }
void Time::setTime(int hour, int minute){ hour = hr; minute = min; }
void Time::printTime()
	int hr, min;
	getTime (hr, min);
	if(hr<10) cout << "0";
	cout << hr << " : ";
	if(min<10) cout << "0";
	cout << min;

Date::Date(){month = day = 1; year = 1900;}
Date::Date(int m, int d, int y):month(m), day(d), year(y){ };
void Date::getDate(int&mm, int&dd, int&yy){mm = month; dd = day; yy = year;}
void Date::setDate(int mm, int dd, int yy){month = mm; day = dd; year = yy;}
void Date::printDate()
	int mm, dd, yy;
	getDate(mm, dd, yy);
	if(mm<10) cout << "0";
	cout << mm << "/";
	if(dd<10) cout << "0";
	cout << dd << "/";
	if(yy<100) cout << "20";
	cout << year;

Event::Event(string name, int hour, int minute, int month, int day, int year):eventTime(hour,minute), eventDate(month, day, year)

	eventName = name;

void Event::setEventData(string name, int hr, int min, int mm, int dd, int yy)
	string eventName = name;
	eventTime.setTime(hr, min);
	eventDate.setDate(mm, dd, yy);

void Event::printEventData()
	cout << eventName << " occurs ";
	cout << " at ";

int main()
	Event myEvent("My 100th Birthday", 4,19,7,21,74);
	myEvent.setEventData("My 100th Birthday", 4,19,7,21,74);
	cout << "\n" << endl;
	return 0;

Everything comes out great except the time. It's like, 1241872 : 2045197120

Take a look at this code:

Time::Time() { int hour = 0,minute = 0; }
Time::Time(int hour, int minute) { hour = hr; minute = min; }
void Time::getTime(int &hour, int &minute){ hr = hour; min = minute; }
void Time::setTime(int hour, int minute){ hour = hr; minute = min; }

All of the assignments seem to be backwards.

Also just a little suggestion because I think this is the root of your problem: use consistency in naming variables. If you use complete words as member variables in one class, do the same in other classes, instead of abbreviations.

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